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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Week 12

July 22nd – July 28th 2013

Our next destination (98%): New York City.

The weather got pretty nice, cooler and sunny.

J. took a course to renew her PALS (baby life support something).

Work days. Switch days.

Emailing and calling – to deal with new contract (J.).

On Friday, after J.'s Pals course, we took a walk to downtown Syracuse. There was Arts and Crafts Festival. Slightly warmer than previous days, but still pretty pleasant to walk. Too many stands with different monkey business (paintings, photographs, pottery etc.). Some food stands. Relatively interesting. Also, we discovered that we did not visit this part of town before / sad. Actually really pretty – without cars. Evening and afternoon: taking it easy, movie at home, J. was staying up.

Thursday, July 25th 2013. J. had to go to the hospital for some paperwork. Around 10.04 am we left Syracuse and were heading South, later East – to visit Fillmore Glen State Park. In one of the villages along the way we saw a stand next to the road with books. J. made me stop and turn around. We were told that during the weekend, there is “area” yard sale, mostly along the road and going for 12 or so miles. We picked up some books (maybe eight) and he wanted only five dollars. Unfortunately, there was as well his small barn and J. continued her hunt and spent another four dollars for quite a few things. It was interesting and nice. Good. Fillmore Glen (named after president Fillmore), really nice picnic areas, well kept and not much to see from parking areas. Pleasant temperature, sun and light breeze, one of the most beautiful days so far. We walked through the glen and enjoyed the nature and small creek. It was impressive and exceptionally beautiful. We walked back along the rim. Back in the parking area, we walked a bit back to see “cowsheds”, a waterfall with big stone overhang, where apparently cows were hiding from sun. The drive to the other side of the park, small dam (?why and what for?), isolated and hidden in the forest. Part of the old gorge trail. We saw a waterfall, no path to it, we tried to go down and almost fell few times on the muddy sides. We made it down (relatively unharmed with really muddy shoes) and enjoyed really gorges waterfall. Drove through Moravia and Homer, again and again really nice rolling hills and farms. Cortland – town, similar to Syracuse, maybe. Road closure, to welcome NY Jets (whatever that is – sports team). Drive home. Tired. Great day.