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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

NYC - 13+14

November 18th – November 24th (and November 25 + 26) 2013


Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Work. Interview with Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona. Nothing special. Start packing. School. Got cold – winter is coming. Thinking about the possibility of going to Arizona. Unfortunately there are not many nursing jobs open in “our” states and it looks like we will be heading Southwest. That is life.
Friday. Decision: Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona. Start date: December 3rd 2013. Not much time for anything. I was going to take longer walk but had to come back home to help with documents and paperwork. Nothing special. Fall is ending, weather sucks.

Saturday and Sunday. J. had her last time to enjoy the city – she did, at least some. Some small shopping, wandering around, and having some fun. I did some packing, sorting, relaxing. Time is flying.
Monday. Work. Packing. School. Subway to Columbus Circle. Walk along Broadway (via Times Square – what a lovely place) to the Manhattan Bridge. Cross the bridge. Take subway home. It was cooler – at 10:30 in was 27 degrees – TIME TO LEAVE NEW YORK. The walk was pretty pleasant, some new places, some strange places. View of the city from the bridge.
Tuesday. Work. Some more documents and dealings with the travel company. Finish packing and get everything on the pile so we can move out really fast. The forecast is really horrible – rain and snow along our way in Pennsylvania and Virginia. And heavy rain on Wednesday morning in New York. Something to look forward to. Great. Other then that … nothing special. Ready to leave.