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Friday, February 21, 2014

Phoenix - 11

February 10th – February 16th 2014

We were told few times that Arizona is strange state. Arizona is viewed as conservative and gun loving somewhat backward state. Few days ago (apparently medical marijuana is legal in AZ) on the radio they were talking about ballot issue that would legalize recreational marijuana. AZ has also one of the toughest drunk driving laws (who knew). I guess I am trying to say that AZ may be strange state but there is more then enough to balance it (landscape, great people, many great things). It has been more then enjoyable stay.
Our trip to Flagstaff is described below. Once again I have to say that we were quite disappointed by lack of snow. It was still great trip but we were really looking forward to some snow.
Work days. Errands. Preparation for our ultimate road trip (to Alaska). Five places (out of six between Vancouver, BC and Anchorage, AK) were available for online booking. So it is probably not that wilderness that it used to be 20 years ago. We will see.
For my “American government” class I had to “do something” for at least three hours that would qualify as improving the government. It was not easy to figure out what and who would help me. I ended up contacting Arizona Democratic Party and spending four hours doing “opposition research”on a candidate for Arizona House. It was interesting experience, obviously I could not learn or see much but it was still quite informative. Among “the odd ones” was information that Arizona has a state gun. And there are three more states with state gun. Believe it or not. Week eleven is over and our stay in Arizona is almost over.