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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Anchorage - Week 4

April 14th – April 20th 2014


There are many people who are driving with serious cracks in their windshields (even we have one now). There are older articles about Alaska being the land without fast food restaurants – gone, baby, gone. Especially Anchorage is not much different from any other city in the US, Subway seems to be very active here. Also, another Alaskan myth: the ratio of men and women (so few women). It is true that Alaska has the highest ratio (about 107 men to 100 women) in the US but it is nothing terrible. Just few notes, for now. The week started with J. coming home from the work (her night shift ended Monday morning). She slept part of the day, the rest of it we just took it easy and had relaxing day. Some errands, she went to gym, probably some television, small walk – normal life. Relatively normal switch day. Finally it looks like the freezing nights are over, the temperature is holding above freezing. On Tuesday, we had slower morning and decided to stay in town (it was supposed to rain – it did not). We drove to Wild Berry Chocolate Factory – one of the Anchorage's attractions. Snow is almost gone and the city's workers are starting to sweep the streets – they use a lot of gravel in here. The chocolate place (very quiet and almost empty) has self proclaimed largest chocolate waterfall in the world. It is pretty big but it is just decoration, they are not using chocolate for anything else. We stopped by the bookstore. We went to Wells Fargo Museum (another attraction, during winter Native Heritage Museum is closed) that claims to have quite nice collection of native art. A bit strange because it is located within bank's building. Bigger room with quite a lot of artifacts – it was pretty interesting what can be done with ivory. There was a replica of some boat (from ivory) and apparently it took 8000 hours to build. Nice … Grocery store. Visit from the landlord – someone looking to rent after us. Quiet evening – J. got a movie called Hope Springs because on the cover it stated it was funny. Not really. 

We made really nice plan for Wednesday and we managed to leave the house by nice o'clock. Overcast. Few patches of blue sky. We drove north to the town of Palmer. Same freeway, almost no snow – just dirt and grayness all over (kind of sad). And mountains in the distance. Palmer – small town, few stores, and not much else for the moment. We left the freeway and drove up to the Hatcher Pass and Independence State Park (it used to be mine). It is interesting how people here like their space. Along the road (miles and miles from the town) there were cottages, houses, and shacks. Most of them had large lot but also could see their neighbors. I think it is interestingly strange choice to live like that. Oh well … As we were climbing up there was more and more snow. Our plan was to see the mine area, take few shorter walks and drive along the dirt road with apparently incredible scenery (and cross the Hatcher Pass). Few parking lots where it was possible to park (snow was plowed). Incredible scenery and amazing views of the valley with more mountains in the distance. It was magical. Snow around us, on the other hand, was quite real. We got to the area of the Independence mine, there was Lodge open and we could see the structures of the state park (mile away or so). The road ended by the lodge's parking lot. There were some ski trails and estimated three feet of snow on the rest of the road. And, getting to this parking lot we passed the turn for our dirt road (closed with a lot of snow). We were almost blind from all the snow and decided to walk towards the mine, it was nice, cold, and really bright. Change of plans, drive to Wasilla, and find pretty much nothing there. Eastern European store – kind of funny. Home. I guess for higher elevation places winter is not over yet. Thursday, J. slept in until almost eleven o'clock (like a bear as we are apparently in bear country). She will be switching and staying up tonight so this should help her to stay up. After breakfast we went for a walk to the nearby Russian Jack Park. Still snowy but spring is definitely coming. There is big parking lot and municipal building in the middle of the park. On the edge, by the main road, there are some greenhouses. Apparently Anchorage has great display of flowers during summer and they grow them here (or at least some of them). There is also tropical greenhouse open to the public. Nice (relatively small) two chamber greenhouse. The first one had aviary and fish pond and bunch of planted plants. The other part had decent selection of plants in pots – also some cacti. It was really pleasant place. Back home. Errands, grocery store, cooking, and other monkey business. Friday and Saturday – J. worked. Nothing special. No wild animals. Relatively stable (and mediocre) weather. School, errands, relaxing, and other monkey business on my side. J. had day off on Sunday but because it is just one day she did not switch (she slept during the day and stayed up). Time is flying.