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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Going Home - Day 7

Saturday July 5th 2014
Valemount, BC – Radium Hot Springs, BC
299 miles, 6 hours 30 minutes
305 miles, 8:11 am – 6:32 pm

We were up before seven o'clock. Slower morning, the table ready for a breakfast (we were in bed and breakfast). Coffee from really tiny cups. Some waiting. Older couple from north Alberta. Younger couple from Georgia. Some talking. Younger couple (he was from Florida, she was from Ontario) was on the “ultimate” road trip from Georgia, via Jasper in Alberta, to Seattle, San Francisco and New Orleans, home to Georgia. Interesting talk. Really good (English style, I suppose) breakfast. It was 8:11 when we left the house. About 55 miles to Jasper in Alberta. We gained an hour. It was very scenic drive. We saw a bear with two cubs, it was great. River. Construction and bunch of waiting. Town of Jasper. It looked a bit like Flagstaff. Nice and small town. So crowded. Visitor center in an old building. Again very crowded. Almost no maps or information. We had to wait in line to ask the ranger for a map. Not very helpful. We left the town at 10:45 am. ICEFIELDS PARKWAY. That was the name of our road going through the Jasper National Park. Within few minutes (after passing some lodges and campgrounds) we entered magical land that was offering amazing scenery. Nice road. Mountains, river, and deep green woods. Our first stop: Athabasca Falls. Crowded (it will be recurring theme). Very short walk to the river where we found incredible waterfall running through beautiful gorge. Nice network of viewing platforms and short walkways. It was amazing even though there were so many people. There were bunch of people driving in really stupid way (speeding, passing). The magical views continued. We were in the valley, next to the river and surrounded by mountains. Incredible landscape. Another group of cars on the road (clear sign of wildlife). Another bear and few people standing outside their cars taking pictures (how stupid can people get??? - there was real bear). This bear was enjoying life and rolling in the bushes (he was probably itchy). Sunwapta Falls – another amazing site which we left at 12:23 pm. Time was flying.
BEARMAGEDON: Brown bear, Black bear, Brown bear with two cubs, Brown bear, Two black bears = on both side of the road = bear sandwich, Black bear with cub.

Icefields Center – big building in the middle of the valley (the glacier vacated this area). There was still glacier near by and the area looked like moonscape. Full parking lot (oh so many people). Lucky with the spot. Into the building – cafeteria, big lines for tickets (glacier skywalk, tours, etc). Gift shop. It was horrible. There was a small desk with a park ranger – information. It did not look like anybody cared about it. It was quite sad. Other than that it was a great site. Continued along the road. Another cluster of cars, there were two bears on the side. We watched one of them get to the road, play with the rock, and then cross the road in front of our car. Amazing. BEARMAGEDON. At that point there was a bear on both sides of the road = bear sandwich. Glaciers. Mountains. River. Blue/green lakes. Forest. It looked like one of the most scenic roads we ever took. Possibly the most scenic road, so far. Steep decline into the valley = amazing views and our brakes suffering. The road was not very long but we did not fill up in Jasper (lines in both gas stations) so we were running a bit low on gas. Gas station in the middle of the park. Normal price (for liter) in Canada: 1.39. Price in the park: 1.95. It was outrageous. Such a price gouging. Lake Louise: visitor center, gas (for normal price), overcrowded, short drive to the lake (half of it lined up with parked cars). So much (full) parking at the lake. Big building – hotel and resort. We tried to find parking, got lucky and parked. It was very close to the lake. Short walk, people, and amazing view of the lake, mountains, and glacier. Magical, indeed. More driving – time was just flying. Continental divide – border of British Columbia and Alberta. Nice freeway. Fenced forest and bridges for animals. A lot of dead forest – eaten by beetles. Radium Hot Springs – steep decline, small and cute town. Motel – nice and inviting. Dinner in the pub. Done. So far the best day on our trip.