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Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 13

February 18th – February 24th 2013

This was a quiet and low key week. J. had her three days of work and we had to move at the end of the week (to start our extended eight weeks). On Monday we drove to Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. The drive was not too bad (if you can avoid rush hour you can drive around pretty nicely). Unfortunately it was cloudy, windy and a bit cold (I guess our timing sometimes does not work). It was President's day (did not think about it until the night before), so we were worried about number of visitors. Even it was early, most of the good parking spots were gone. First, we were heading to Japanese Tea Garden (twice a week from nine to ten in the morning you do not pay entrance fee and who does not like good bargain, right?). With good bargain (we guessed that was the reason) there was actually decent crowd., unfortunately. Otherwise, the garden was a delight. It was pretty big and really pretty (minus people).

The weather did not improve. J. wanted to see a conservatory (closed on Mondays). We stopped by the car and kept walking. We got somewhat cranky with each other (forgot the reason). And unfortunately the weather was kind of ruining the experience. We walked a bit around, saw the conservatory, some outdoor art works around the Young museum and many people running and doing other exercise activities. Hopefully we will manage to come back to this park (on work day to avoid the biggest crowds).

On Tuesday, we got some rain (it was really sad gray day). Following three days J. was working. I cleaned up and packed some stuff. I had to write a paper for the school as well. One day I took longer walk around the area. Half of it was through the city (never seen those parts – pretty) and half around the bay. It was relatively cold and sunny, which actually worked pretty well for a walk. It was really enjoyable, trees are starting to bloom, many flowers already in bloom and pretty street. I walked through the Coyote Point Park and Marina. We visited part of the park, but did not see the other side. When I got there I could not believe that we missed that. There was a tiny beach and views of the city (and airport). It was great. And part of the park is on small hill, so the views are even better and you are surrounded by mature trees. Great.

J. worked three days (thru Friday). I got some packing done (we were going to take couple trips, so there was no need for real packing). I more less finished our taxes (to send to the company specializing on travel taxes) and enjoyed time off (really nice). On Saturday, we packed the car (really short distance, probably less then ten minutes) and drove to Sunnyvale (half an hour). We got our keys and move all the stuff into the apartment. All was just fine. Probably within an hour we left and drove to downtown Sunnyvale, where we saw Farmer's market. Nice thing – parking is relatively easy and plentiful. The market was pretty big and nice. We were both kind of hungry and there was a lot of food carts (to smell it was kind of a torture, especially some stone grill presentation for a restaurant).

We left, took 101 to San Mateo and had a lunch at Jeffrey's Hamburger (sort of fast food restaurant, J. was told it was great). It was pretty good lunch (burger and tuna melt), but nothing worth raving. Oh well … It was nice day, so we got back on 101 and drove north to end up at San Bruno State Park. We paid six dollars and drove on the top of the mountain. The booklet was describing 360 degrees views of the bay. And … they were there, it was amazing picture. It was really windy and a bit cold. We drove back down and parked and started walking. Within two minutes J. felt down on nice flat path and scraped her knee pretty bad. We walked back, asked a ranger at the gate for some bandages and went home.

Some television shows, dinner at home and quiet evening. I packed most of the stuff and got many boxes and bags by the door for next day. On Sunday, we were thinking about taking a walk to Coyote Park, but J. knee was hurting some (hardening required!) so we packed the car and left for Sunnyvale. Another unloading of the car (unfortunately the apartment is on first floor, so there was a flight of stars). But it was not too bad. On the way, we stopped at the store to get some groceries. We unpacked some and had a issue with internet set up. J. had to call Comcast and spent probably an hour on the phone, while they tried to make it work. Eventually they gave up and set up technician visit for Monday. Within ten minutes (and router reset) the internet started to work. We drove to Trader's Joes, stopped by Target along the way and came home. Clean up and sorting (to make the home again) and the end of the day.