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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Lake Tahoe

March 25th - 26th 2013

We woke up in (close enough) Sacramento. J.'s aunt and uncle were getting up as well. We had some breakfast and talked for a while. They really wanted us to stay as long as possible (more J. than me), but everything has to end at some point. It was very pleasant morning, we took some pictures as they wanted to have some memories. We left a bit past ten o'clock. Relatively nice morning. We got coffees and gasoline and started heading to Lake Tahoe. We drove on I-80, it was interesting to watch changing landscape and go up, up and up. We stopped at some visitor's center (it was in the town which name I forgot), we got some maps. I as well drove into town called Colfax, but J. was on the phone and not interested, so we turned around and got back on freeway. When we were high enough, we started to see some snow, but it was not solid layer anywhere close to the road. The mountains were pretty majestic and mostly white. Along side the hills there was a railroad (we saw a train there). It would have to be nice trip (very slow and if there is a passenger service). Donner pass and ski resort. The horror story of the Donner party (as they traveled west and half of them died in California's winter). In Truckee, there was historic state park (half close, half being build) and huge statue in memories of Donner party. We made a quick stop and then continue on road 89 toward Lake Tahoe. Nice surroundings.
People were still skying (somewhere higher) and there was some snow around the road, but the drive was just fine. To our surprise, there was quite a bit of traffic (between the season and on the workday). It was about 13 miles from the highway to the lake. There was actually small town that we just drove into. It was kind of strange, we did not see the lake, but normal boring (and kind of ugly) town. We stopped by visitor's center and it was very unhelpful. Unfortunately. It was about one o'clock in the afternoon. It was mostly cloudy and it did not create the best picture of the lake. We were driving along the lake on east side (Nevada). We stopped several times, there were parks or beaches, but were mostly unhappy with the private properties sitting on the lake. Again, to our surprise, there was many houses and vacation properties. Even Nevada side was not recommended to us, we thought that it looked less developed. Again, somewhat surprised, we could not believe the size of some houses in Nevada. It was pretty sad. So far, we had very mixed feelings about the lake and its surroundings. It looked like we finally left the developed part and were just driving along the lake. The shore got rugged and actually really pretty. The towns and houses kind of blended into the woods and we saw (mostly) just really clear and beautiful lake with incredible background. Finally something. There was not many places to stop, but we enjoy those few and just kept driving towards South Lake Tahoe (town's name).
We were in South Lake Tahoe sooner then we thought. And it was really sad entrance. We drove into very normal and ugly town (dominated by several tall buildings – casinos). It was so sad. We crossed the state line and drove to the lake, it was as well the area with several cheap motels. We looked around and got the room in Alpine Inn. If I am not mistaken, it was our cheapest motel room so far (38.50 with taxes, 32 dollars without taxes). And it was pretty nice room. We put our stuff in and drove back a bit, as we saw information center along the way. There was quite a bit of traffic, it was ugly building by the main road, we almost missed it. We went in (half basement) and it was quite big. We looked through booklets and maps and then heard the man who was sitting there. He was loud (and apparently originally from New York). He was actually helpful and told us what we should do and see in our short two half days. Finally someone helpful. Driving through the town (about 20000 population) to visit two sites he recommended. First it was a pier in the town (we did not find it or missed it). We continued and tried to find a historic site Tallac and marsh trail (paved). Most of the sites were closed for the season (probably opening by May). People were parking by the road or any available space. We parked by the marsh trail and walked on it. It was quiet and nice, we could see the lake. Very wet, some snow still left. The trail was more less next to the tallac site, so we just walked through the visitor's center (closed) and nice forest. Tallac site found, it was three historic residences (now part of the national forest). They were nice houses (even they were closed for the winter). Well, it was interesting. Walking back to the car.

We were thinking about pizza for dinner, but when we looked the menu over, we did not really want to spend so much money (it was pricy) for unknown product. So we ended up buying some stuff at Safeway. It was getting colder quickly. Walking back to the car, we enjoy sun slowly moving towards the mountains. That was actually pretty. Some what long drive back. We were both tired and ready to be done for the evening. We had (still) mixed feelings about Lake Tahoe. I would say it has to be great place for people who are coming here to ski. In summer, it has to be pretty nice place to enjoy the lake (even I am afraid there would be too many people). We each have different taste. Nice day.
J. slept more less normal, I had horrible night. I just could not sleep. We were up before seven o'clock. It was relatively cold outside. We eat some, I had (bad) in room coffee (better something than nothing) and packed our stuff. J. was tired (as usual) and took her time (we had plenty). So, it was pretty easy going morning. We left around 8 o'clock, surprisingly there was life in the town. We got gasoline and coffee and were looking for the pier. We drove into one of the resorts properties and parked. We found the pier and walked on it. It was nice view, maybe slightly too overcast. And cold. But the views were fabulous, our surroundings were quiet and peaceful (not looking back at the resort properties). At that point, we were done with the town and were heading out. We planned to check part of the west side of the lake and then head home on road 50.
Just unrelated note: as we talked to J.'s relatives, I have learned that in Los Angeles we drove through Skid Row (that was that ugly part of town experience). As well, as I was describing my San Francisco walking, I was told that “bad part close to Market street” is Tenderloin district. Who knew? We left the town and were driving north to see west side of the lake. Up and down and a lot of turning. I do not entirely enjoy such a scenery (too close to the road), but J. said the views were amazing. I had few glimpses and I would agree with that. There was more snow around the road. We stopped few times and finally arrived to Inspiration Vista Point. Again, the parking lot was locked, so we had to park along the road (we were not alone). The views of the bay were incredible (even it was quite cold). There is small island within the bay. On the shore, there is Vikingsholm Castle. Apparently, in 20's some 19 year old lady liked the place and had it build in scandinavian style. She was very fond of the place and wanted to preserve the setting, so no trees were cut (on her land). The wood was cut elsewhere around the lake (how considered). We stopped by the parking lot (this one open) that served as the trail head for the hike to the castle. Still, nice views. We continued further north (there was small state park and an historic light house within it). We found the park (closed) and were unable to find another parking (we were told there was one). We found some signs “private property” on both sides of the road. We got back to closed state park (there was few parking spaces) and tried to figure out the distance from here. Unfortunately it was about 4.5 miles round trip and we did not feel like that. At this point we started to drive south.

There was small parking lot just off the road for the Eagle Falls. We parked and walked over the snow to the area. We could not find the map or the length of the trail. Our assumptions was that the trail is pretty short. There was lower part of the falls that we saw from the Vikingsholm parking lot, it looked pretty good. Many steps up towards the fall. We saw it in no time, it was relatively small and there was a bridge over it. In some way it looked like Washington state. It was quite pretty, but our overall experience was mixed. We were told numerous time that Lake Tahoe is incredibly beautiful so maybe our expectations were too high. Hard to say. On the way back from the falls it started to snow. It got cloudy and dark. Interesting picture. At this point we were more less done and had plenty of time to enjoy the drive home.
It was strange to drive along that pretty road and see it snowing. We were not looking forward to four hours of driving. We got some coffee and left the town. There was some construction, one lane closed. Probably within 12 miles the road 50 became a freeway and we were heading away from the mountains (after we did some twisty driving and some ups and downs). We passed through some lonely settlements and buildings. We found really trashy building with the sign “Little Norway”. After a while the charm of the mountain were gone and we started to pass some bigger towns and villages. Nothing special. About an hour and half and we were passing Sacramento. From there we were taking the same road, so it became even more boring and tedious. But what can you do? We got gasoline, stretched the legs a bit and continued home. Luckily we were early enough to avoid the worse traffic. We were home a bit before four o'clock. It felt good to be done driving. It was nice and interesting trip. J. was very happy to see her relatives (and I believe they were happy to see her). Lake Tahoe was pretty, but we had some mixed feelings about it, happens. All good.