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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Phoenix - 3

December 16th – December 22nd 2013

Monday and Tuesday, we spent those two days in Tucson and it is described below. For few days, there was a “heat wave” when the temperature was hitting around 80 degrees. Pretty nice. J. had two work days (she is still saying that people in the hospital are so nice) so I guess it is all good. I officially finished school (3.93 cumulative grade for this semester). Some practical stuff (papers, clean car, …). I took a walk in another part of North Mountain Park (really close to our place) and again, I was surprised by the steepness of the hill. The views were great. The way back was steep, rocky, and full of dirt dust making it really slippery. Anyway, it was really nice walk (I think I am getting a bit of sunburn). Life is fine. Those were Wednesday and Thursday. Cloudy day. It rained Thursday evening – interesting event in the desert. Slower Friday morning. We drove across Scottsdale to the Butterfly wonderland. It is apparently new facility that has several thousands of butterflies in the conservatory. Funny Arizona thing: we exited freeway, saw the building and withing hundred yards or so the road was blocked with big concrete barriers – there was no road for the moment. It is probably future expansion of the city. We watched 3D movie about Monarch butterflies – it was pretty great. After that we were let in – moist and warm garden with many butterflies flying around. It was very amazing experience. There was also koi pond in the middle with bunch of fishes. After we left the conservatory there were some tropical fishes, ants and bees but it was not as interesting as those butterflies.

We were planning to see a movie and had some time to kill so we drove to Anthropologie store in the nearby mall. Big mistake – apparently people are shopping like crazy and traffic within the mall was horrible. It seems that people in here like their malls and shopping. Quick visit and then movie – Dallas Buyers Club. It was very good movie – somewhat different – somewhat sad – somewhat funny. We got back on the road around 3:45 pm, it was still cloudy and the sky looked great – clouds, colors and images of something strange. We detoured to our nearby Lookout Mountain Park and were going to take a walk around the hill. It was pretty nice – unfortunately it was more ups and downs, more rocks on the path, and even longer then expected. Still – pretty nice day. Saturday. Nothing special actually. We had some plans but found out that Camelback Mountain is closed for some park improvements and we also did not really feel like some difficult hiking. J. got phone call from work as they were looking for people to work on Sunday (shortage of nurses). She decided to do some overtime. Apparently this job is so much nicer compared to NYC. We drove to the Roadrunner park and walked through the farmers market. We continued and got some groceries (J. needed to make some food for following work days) and also get some stuff for cranberry cake (we brought cranberries from Boston area). Home. Cooking. Relaxing. Reading. Anchorman movie in the evening (the first one, I guess it was fine). Sunday. Work. Otherwise nothing special. Almost Christmas. Sunny day in the desert. ((((Two days ago I received a phone call from my brother at 4:30 am, he told me that my father had a stroke. Today I talked with him and my aunt and tried to figure out what the situation was. Unfortunately he is still in hospital – since 11/27 and is physically disabled and barely able to communicate. Life …. I did not get all information and should know more within a week. Makes for a strange Christmas – somewhat.))))