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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Anchorage - Week 6

April 28th – May 4th 2014

I saw a moose almost next to our apartment! (Finally, Anchorage delivers one of those 1500 promised moose living within the city. I went for a walk in the Russian Jack Park (about 300 yards from our place) and as I am enjoying sun and morning breeze (and being disturbed by the construction noises) I see a moose on the edge of the park, few steps from the pathway and parking lot. Standing there and eating, not caring about the construction close by. I probably looked funny as I was trying to get some nice pictures (how many people living in Anchorage care about a moose?). Also, apparently, the hospital's ICU was on standby because of the President's visit somewhere in Asia (or flying from Asia). 

There was a possibility he would need a medical care – really? The park was pretty much snow free, few snippets of new grass and trees about to start showing off new leaves. Pretty nice and pleasant park, one would not know that it is in the middle of the city. No other wild animals. J. worked. Another walk toward the university and hospital. It will be quite nice when spring actually starts. There are first signs of green grass. The roads are being clean (dust and gravel from winter). It is quite interesting to see how the city is changing. On Thursday, J.'s switch day, we made it out and drove to the south side of the city where is Potter Marsh. It was created by “accident” when they built the railroad here. Still gray and not very appealing but starting to be lively with some birds. Apparently it is the place for bird watchers. Two quite long boardwalks. One, unfortunately, next to the main road. There were some small fish in water. Some ducks and seagulls. As we were sitting at the end of the back boardwalk, we found two bald eagles hanging out there. There was several stops with relatively new (and decent) binoculars. It was pretty nice to watch those two eagles sitting on the tree and later just flying around. By five or so we were hungry so we decided to check out Spenard's Roadhouse (downtown area). Really good food (and busy). Well, we did something on J.'s switch day. Again, her sleep issues while switching. Friday – somewhat slow and cranky morning. The days are quite long here and they are getting longer and longer. We made an arrangement for our stay in Homer with bunch of family that is visiting Alaska in June (just before we leave). We are going fishing (well, some of us). We also made arrangements for accommodation for our upcoming trip to Fairbanks (with stop by Denali park). After midday, J. had an appointment for her haircut. Done. After that we drove to Kincaid Park – big par below airport. Still quite gray and not very exciting. Some views of the Fire Island and the inlet. It used to be military site. On the way from the park we saw a moose. He was just standing by the road and not caring about anything else. Looks like Anchorage is finally delivering all those moose. On the way home we circled the airport (partly by accident) as we wanted to see Lake Hood which is used for water planes. There is also an airfield and oh so many small planes. We thought we were driving as close to the lake as possible just to discover that we were driving on the taxiway – when we hit the gate with the sign and after that we we were driving in opposing direction of the taxing plane. Funny. Apparently it is unseasonably warm (good for us). On Saturday we are taking the ferry to Valdez. Described later. Otherwise, so far so good. Also, time is really flying.