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Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 13

February 18th – February 24th 2013

This was a quiet and low key week. J. had her three days of work and we had to move at the end of the week (to start our extended eight weeks). On Monday we drove to Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. The drive was not too bad (if you can avoid rush hour you can drive around pretty nicely). Unfortunately it was cloudy, windy and a bit cold (I guess our timing sometimes does not work). It was President's day (did not think about it until the night before), so we were worried about number of visitors. Even it was early, most of the good parking spots were gone. First, we were heading to Japanese Tea Garden (twice a week from nine to ten in the morning you do not pay entrance fee and who does not like good bargain, right?). With good bargain (we guessed that was the reason) there was actually decent crowd., unfortunately. Otherwise, the garden was a delight. It was pretty big and really pretty (minus people).

The weather did not improve. J. wanted to see a conservatory (closed on Mondays). We stopped by the car and kept walking. We got somewhat cranky with each other (forgot the reason). And unfortunately the weather was kind of ruining the experience. We walked a bit around, saw the conservatory, some outdoor art works around the Young museum and many people running and doing other exercise activities. Hopefully we will manage to come back to this park (on work day to avoid the biggest crowds).

On Tuesday, we got some rain (it was really sad gray day). Following three days J. was working. I cleaned up and packed some stuff. I had to write a paper for the school as well. One day I took longer walk around the area. Half of it was through the city (never seen those parts – pretty) and half around the bay. It was relatively cold and sunny, which actually worked pretty well for a walk. It was really enjoyable, trees are starting to bloom, many flowers already in bloom and pretty street. I walked through the Coyote Point Park and Marina. We visited part of the park, but did not see the other side. When I got there I could not believe that we missed that. There was a tiny beach and views of the city (and airport). It was great. And part of the park is on small hill, so the views are even better and you are surrounded by mature trees. Great.

J. worked three days (thru Friday). I got some packing done (we were going to take couple trips, so there was no need for real packing). I more less finished our taxes (to send to the company specializing on travel taxes) and enjoyed time off (really nice). On Saturday, we packed the car (really short distance, probably less then ten minutes) and drove to Sunnyvale (half an hour). We got our keys and move all the stuff into the apartment. All was just fine. Probably within an hour we left and drove to downtown Sunnyvale, where we saw Farmer's market. Nice thing – parking is relatively easy and plentiful. The market was pretty big and nice. We were both kind of hungry and there was a lot of food carts (to smell it was kind of a torture, especially some stone grill presentation for a restaurant).

We left, took 101 to San Mateo and had a lunch at Jeffrey's Hamburger (sort of fast food restaurant, J. was told it was great). It was pretty good lunch (burger and tuna melt), but nothing worth raving. Oh well … It was nice day, so we got back on 101 and drove north to end up at San Bruno State Park. We paid six dollars and drove on the top of the mountain. The booklet was describing 360 degrees views of the bay. And … they were there, it was amazing picture. It was really windy and a bit cold. We drove back down and parked and started walking. Within two minutes J. felt down on nice flat path and scraped her knee pretty bad. We walked back, asked a ranger at the gate for some bandages and went home.

Some television shows, dinner at home and quiet evening. I packed most of the stuff and got many boxes and bags by the door for next day. On Sunday, we were thinking about taking a walk to Coyote Park, but J. knee was hurting some (hardening required!) so we packed the car and left for Sunnyvale. Another unloading of the car (unfortunately the apartment is on first floor, so there was a flight of stars). But it was not too bad. On the way, we stopped at the store to get some groceries. We unpacked some and had a issue with internet set up. J. had to call Comcast and spent probably an hour on the phone, while they tried to make it work. Eventually they gave up and set up technician visit for Monday. Within ten minutes (and router reset) the internet started to work. We drove to Trader's Joes, stopped by Target along the way and came home. Clean up and sorting (to make the home again) and the end of the day.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


February 11th – February 17th 2013

Below are described two more days we spent at Redwoods. We could not really pick better time, the weather was incredible, not many visitors and the sites were amazing. We stayed in cheaper motels, but this time we did not have really bad experience. Good for us! (That was Monday and Tuesday.)

On Wednesday, we really did not do much. J. worked following three days. Thursday, I drove her and took morning walk in the preserve called El Corte. It was really nice, there was some sandstone formation, the landscape was changing and the weather was not too bad (windy). However, there was big decline and my knees felt it. No incredible views (except one or two), one old growth redwood. On Sunday, we stayed at home (mostly) and just enjoyed (kind of) free day. J. was doing some of her “gift” monkey business. It got somewhat cloudy and gray.


Tuesday, February 12th 2013
Crescent City to San Mateo

The morning was somewhat noisy because the motel was next to the main road. We left at 7.39 and tried to find old town Crescent City. We did not have much luck with that, the business district had some shops and offices but looked otherwise pretty poorly. According to the map, we saw whole district, so we left the town and started to head south. There were some clouds, otherwise the weather looked pretty much the same. We had some places on the way to visit and were planning to get home after the rush hour. We stopped at the Lagoon Park and walked the Yorok trail. It was one of the things recommended by the older guy in the visitor's center. Obviously, no cars, cooler breeze and really noisy ocean. The trail went along the coast for a bit (nice views) and then through the woods (pretty nice too). We as well went to the beach for a moment and then we were back. Nice beginning of the day.

We got off the highway 101 next to the Praire State Park and drove on Newton (scenic) parkway. Again, something we were told to do. Together with the dirt road drive in Jedediah Park, this was the most scenic drive. We picked a small trail to enjoy, it was Circle trail. It was still pretty cold. Two cars in the parking lot. Really short trail, but amazingly beautiful. Mossy, moist and incredible. There was a Big tree. It is really hard to describe without being there.

Probably within half an mile we were parking next to the state park's visitor center (open). It was really nice building from 30's (it is interesting to see what Great depression created and we still use it). The center had a volunteer guy and was (I would hope) in the process of renovation (or something like that). He was a photographer living close to Crescent City (he said it is dump). After talking with him for a moment, we walked short trail just behind visitor's center. Revelation trail. Again, it was unbelievable what was just next to the road. Incredible forest with the river just few hundred yards away. There were trees with the rooms inside (from the fire) and some were burned all the way to the top (chimney). It was (again) really impressive area.

On the map, I found trail called Trillium Falls (almost 3 miles). It sounded interesting and we had some time, so we were heading there. After leaving the visitor's center, we saw some lazy elks laying around on the prairie. We turned into the area called Elk Meadow and saw pretty big herd of elks (25 maybe). Most of them were laying down. There was as well dip with about 6 inches of water. After being stuck in sand in Utah, we were hesitant to drive over it, but at the end we did (it was jut fine). And the walk, it was pretty walk through the forest, small water fall and a lot of trees. J. got tired and was whiny. Oh well … We were glad to back to the parking lot, where we had our lunch (13.10).

Less then 5 miles away (on the hill with about 1200 feet elevation change) was Lady Bird Johnson Grove. Nice trail and nice walk (not recommended). There were four cars in the lot and really nice bridge crossing the road. J. was too tired so at the end I decided to “run through” the trail alone. It was tampered gravel all the way around and it was really amazing forest. It almost looked like groomed area how pretty it was. Many hollow trees, many big trees and not much mess. And obviously, I liked the name Lady Bird. After getting back on 101 we stopped at the visitor center (again) and hoped to get some poster (no luck, just few postcards). Back on the road.

We were back in Eureka. We stopped in the center of town (again) and walked a bit around. J. went into few stores (including a bookstore hoping for a poster). Nothing special. It was about 3.31 pm and time to hit the road for real (about 5 hours to San Mateo). We stopped by Costco to get gasoline (it was only 3.99 compared to 4.17 everywhere else). The trip was almost over.
The weather got worse, there were some clouds and it got really windy. We attempted to get a poster one more time (Avenue of Giants visitor's center), but it was closed and we were back on 101 heading south. The road was switching between nice four lane highway and two way road (with many twists) almost all the way to the bay area. It got dark. Golden Gate Bridge. San Francisco. 101 – 1 – 380 – 280 – 101 and we were at home at about 8.53. Tired. Good trip.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Monday, February 11th 2013
Eureka to Crescent City

Very similar morning, we left the motel, made a quick stop at the bagel store where we got some breakfast and were heading out of Eureka. We got gasoline for 4.17 a gallon (really hurtful) and left the town. There were some clouds, but we were hoping that they would be gone in no time. We stopped at small town of Trinidad, where we did not really find much. Quick stop by tho overlook of the harbor (really tiny one) and a bagel to eat. Nice place to have a breakfast.

We got back to 101 (as many times before and after) and drove to Patrick's Seal Point State Park. It was pretty close to the road, there was a volunteer at the gate and as well in the visitor's center. Looks like State Parks do not have even enough money for a park ranger. The park was relatively small, so we drove to the small hike to the Wedding rock. The fog was disappearing and it started to look like nice day. We walked to the rock and were amazed by the views and crashing waves. It was incredibly beautiful and magical. Still within the park, we drove to the beach and walked down to it. On the bottom, the stairs were missing, but the beach was pretty.

At the park, we were trying to figure out our plans and kind of decided to skip some things and see them next day. We were heading to the Redwoods visitor's center. Not many cars on the road. The center was empty, we asked about the sites one guy – volunteer. He was kind of funny, with attitude. He told us what we should try to see etc. and after that we left. We were more less sticking to our plan and heading up north. When we left 101 for scenic drive, we saw five elks hanging out around the road. Even when we stopped they did not move.

Along the way, we saw this funny sign with those desirable gas prices. Almost in Oregon. Funny. The scenic drive was really nice. We thought that this road should be called Avenue of Giants (not the real one). We were going to stop next day, or at least planning to do so.

We crossed the Klamath river and turned on small road to drive to Klamath river overlook. It was about two miles of twisty road, going up and up. The parking lot was closed (as we saw after parking along the road) and grass was being trimmed. Strange. The view was great.
There was Indian park Trees of Mystery (they even have skyline). We stopped as we were drawn by the great art in the parking lot. We were not doing the walk and skyline, but we went to the store and the museum, it was somewhat interesting (the museum). The store was just weird, but what you can do.

We continued along the freeway 101. We made few quick stops, but we wanted to get to the area of Crescent City. We had picnic lunch on the beach watching some crazy people running from the waves. And still heading north. We stopped by the vista point and got a glimpse of the city. For the moment we were bay passing the city.
Jedediah Smith State Park. That was the destination with the old growth redwoods forest. We drove through the small part of the town, saw goofy building of casino and headed towards the forest. It really looked like we were lost. The road changed, it was basically one lane dirt road through the forest. About five miles. It was really amazing drive.

Stout trail was off this funky road. It was funny as the road to the trail head was paved and there was nice paved parking lot. There were four cars, so we were not alone. It was relatively short and really pretty. This was old growth with some huge trees.

From morning, J. wanted to see tide pools and star fish. She was fussing about it in the visitor center and the older guy told us that by Crescent City we might be able to see some. We left the forest road and got on the normal road. We followed the river and got on 101 again. We were about ten miles from Oregon border. Almost immediately we left the freeway and used some smaller road. We even found a prison (by drive by). We saw industrial side of Crescent City (not pretty). Finally, we got to the coast. We saw a light house in distance on the hill partly in the ocean.

We drove to the parking lot next to the light house. We walked to the light house (still operated and manned). It looked better from the distance. Between the land and the light house was a beach, peace of it was sandy, the rest was rocky with a lot of puddles (tide pools possibly). We started to walk on the rocks looking for some sea monkey business. It did not took too long when I saw first star fish. After that we discovered many sea animals (star fish included). It was pretty interesting, we even saw (after a while too many) crabs (tiny ones) in the water moving.

The sun was almost lying on the ocean. We drove to the marina (or something like that) to see the sunset again. We heard sea lions yapping and coast guard was getting the boat on the trailer. It was pretty. There was hill at the end of the land, so we walked up to see the sunset. It was somewhat deceiving (there were three peaks), so we pretty much missed the sun disappearing. It was still incredible site, the waves crushing and rolling, two man made walls making the harbor quieter and safer and few lights in the distance. End.