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Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Saturday, February 9th 2013
San Mateo to Fort Bragg

We made it out at about 8.24 am. It was Saturday, so we did not have to worry about the traffic. We “enjoyed” our freeway trip to the Golden Gate. 101 – 380 – 280 – 1 – 101. It was nice and sunny morning and we were hoping that it would stay like that.

Even we drove this way before, we missed the turn for the Drake road and had to turn around. Drake road was tiny and twisty and there was quite a few people on bicycles. We stopped at Point Reyes Station (town) and took small walk around (cute town). Couple shops and joy from our vacation.

Somewhere there (Point Reyes) we started our long drive on Highway 1 along the coast. Twisty road going up and down, taking some turns inland (not too much) and impressive views of the cliffs and ocean. Really hard to wish for much more. Bodega Bay was next stop, quick visit to visitor's center (hoping for some maps etc) with not super friendly older lady. We drove to the whaler's point (I think that was the name), which was smaller park on the point sticking out into the ocean. Surprisingly the parking lot was pretty much full and there was many people with the jackets saying “Whale watch”. It was still whale's migration season. We did not see any though. It was still nice place.
We were hoping to get to Point Arena Light house before closing time (3.30 pm), but we did not want to rush and miss the rest along the way. The drive stayed amazing, twisty and often surprising. We did not stop at Fort Ross which was old Russian settlement (state park). There were some abandoned buildings and strange settlements along the way. Around the tiny town (or village) of Sea Ranch were many new (or newer) developments in very modern style. Somewhat strange. It as well looked like there was few more upscale resorts. Oh well ...

We continued along the way. We got into the town of Point Arena (population about 600 maybe) around 2.36 pm. We passed through and went to the light house site. It was pretty nice view from great distance. There were few cars, we paid the fee and walked up the tower. Apparently it is the tallest of the west coast light houses. And still in really nice shape. The view was exquisite and we got short tour from the guy who was sitting in the light house. About ten years ago the original light was removed and replaced with tiny beacon. We toured the museum a bit (with the original reassembled light) and left. J. wanted (so we did) to go back to the town. There were few stores and not much else.

And … surprise … more driving. Towards the end of the day we drove into Mendocino which was pretty nice small town (actual shopping street, people walking around). Unfortunately (fortunately for shopping matter) we did not have really time, as we did not want to drive too much in the dark. Up and down driving, some really impressive views from those “peaks” and twisty driving.

It was probably ten minutes before sunset, when we pulled in the parking lot of Point Cabrillo Light Station. It was half a mile walk down to the station (on the narrow road). The sun was slowly setting down onto the ocean (in front of us). It was nice picture, sun, light house and ocean. There were some houses (light keeper etc) now days used as rental properties. The sunset was magical at best and we really liked it (even it got pretty cold). The light house (still sending the light to the ocean) was pretty (and closed). After that, we just drove to Fort Bragg to our motel. End of the (pretty) day.