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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Going East - Day 6

Saturday, 27th of April 2013
Lincoln, NE – Cedar Rapids, IA
Miles: 326

Again, the same morning routine, pack our stuff, get J. from the bed and get her going (hard task). It was a bit rainy and very foggy. We got a coffee from the motel. We had a misunderstanding about the day, J. thought I wanted to get to Cedar Rapids asap (to see Czech museum or something). That cleared out in a bit, the weather stayed bad for a bit longer. We drove through Lincoln, but we did not see or find anything interesting. The fog covering pretty much everything did not really helped either. We left and were back on the interstate 80 going east. It was a bit different, there were some settlements and farms, but otherwise it was still boring and very uninteresting. A small detour to Omaha, Nebraska. We drove to the historic part of the town. There were some former industrial building, red bricks on the road and many shops and restaurants. It looked pretty and interesting. We parked the car (free) and walked around. It actually looked pretty, the area was clean and relatively alive (for the time, it was Saturday around 10.07 am). J. bought the shirt in a vintage shop. She as well got a coffee in some interesting coffee/bookshop establishment. So far Nebraska was pretty boring and not pretty, at least Omaha had some charm and we liked it. We drove into the area called Little Bohemia and it was pretty sad view. We found a restaurant, remains of the hotel and some stores. Nothing really special or pretty, on contrary it was sad. We left the town, it did not look too big, so it was pretty quick and easy to get on the interstate. Crossing the river, we almost missed the sign welcoming us in Iowa. We were finally done with Nebraska, it ended relatively nice. Nothing changed, we were still in urban setting and continued along I-80. Within 10 miles or so there was a rest stop and Iowa visitor's center (pretty new one). When we said we were going to Cedar Rapids for a night, the lady told us to visit Czech museum and J. made a joke “how she knew I was Czech”. We got some stuff and talked with her for a second. Back on the road. Not much until Des Moines, Iowa. The landscape was different, it was mainly farm land, but it was a bit hilly, there were some trees and in general it looked kind of pretty. It was obviously boring in a while as we had to drive it for over 100 miles. But at least it was not so trashy looking like Nebraska and there was a bit of charm. Des Moines, the weather got better, mostly sunny with few clouds, we drove through the downtown area (mostly business and big hotels), they had sky walks between many buildings, but otherwise it was kind of cold and boring. Business district. We crossed the river and ended up on the hill with the capitol building and pretty big park. There were first signs of spring. We parked, and walked in the park a bit (nice statues and nice view). It felt nice to be outside and walking. J. found (looking through the Des Moines magazine) this amazing barbeque place in the city, so we drove there (it was outskirts of the city). Full parking lot. Really busy restaurant, we sit down and had a lunch. It was very good (Jethro's Barbeque), all the side dishes and meats were really nice and overall it was great. Back on the road (another almost 100 miles to Iowa City), nothing really different, a lot of farm land and kind of picturesque image of the land. Just before Iowa City we took a turn and drove 20 miles (detour) to Cedar Rapids. The town has pretty large Czech community and Czech museum. Very similar picture of the land, more hilly. We drove through small part of the town to the “Czech village”. They were old and well established neighborhoods. Relatively well kept. The village consisted of one street with maybe 25 buildings on each side. It was pretty small but somewhat well kept and lively. We went to the bakery, but they were out of czech pastries, we went to the antique shop (J. liked it), we talked to two ladies who were there, not really speaking czech, but interested in it. We walked around, but the rest of the places were closed (including a museum). Interesting experience. Drive to motel. Normal town. Same routine for the evening.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Going East - Day 5

Friday, 26th of April 2013
Denver, CO – Lincoln, NE
Miles: 496

There was a coffee maker in the room, so we could start the day with the coffee. Kind of slow morning, we again packed our stuff and got ready to leave. It was close to nine o'clock. Easy traffic, we got on the toll road and from there on the freeway 76. There were some mountains in the distance, but the overall view was kind of unimpressive. There was a lot of flatness and nothing. Not the greatest start of the day. I guess we did not have much to look forward. Unfortunately. There was about 180 miles of Colorado in front of us. We stopped for gas once. It was flat and empty land for the whole time. There was few small towns or villages, a lot of farms and burgers (my name for cows). We just drove and drove and drove and drove and drove across really boring and pretty ugly land. Nothing really changed when we entered Nebraska. Same boring and kind of flat and ugly land. In Green River we got bunch of maps and travel guides and there was something about Nebraska. We stopped few times along the way (gas and bathroom). We tried to go and see Buffalo Bill's house and state park. Closed for the season. The town looked really bad. I would say it was even worse than Detroit in a way. The town was North Platte. Really sad. We continued, there was really nothing along the way, so horrible. J. was going crazy. We had a late lunch at one of the rest stops along the freeway. We stopped at Gothenburg, where was supposed to be an original Pony Express station. Pretty much the same sad town, run down houses, everything kind of dusty and old. It is hard to describe, it was just sad. We found a small house in the park, closed for the season too. We looked around and tried to find a grocery store in the town. It was not easy. And … we went, went, went … nothing else really left. We got to Lincoln, J. missed the address so we made small detour, but it was fine. Same evening routine, unload our luggage, eat something, tried to relax and sleep.

Going East - Day 4

Thursday, 25th of April 2013
Craig, CO – Denver, CO
Miles: 233

We left the town around 8.17 am, it was cold when we were packing the car. In the town we saw the temperature was 35 degrees. What happened to our warm California? We drove through town of Craig and it looked sad. There was quite a few shops of taxidermy (applies to whole state of Colorado so far), but otherwise nothing really pretty or charming. J. had her mind set on breakfast in Steamboat Springs (a friend told her about it). It was about 50 minutes to Steamboat, there was snow scattered on the mountains, time to time we saw some type of settlement (it looked really sad), collection of trailers, beaten up houses or something like that. The landscape was relatively pretty, but because of the season, winter mostly gone and spring not here, it did not look greatest. A lot of cows and horses. The town. The restaurant was on the main street, we found it and we as well found out that is was closed for a day for cleaning. J. was crushed. We were sitting in the car watching people cleaning windows. J. was set on having breakfast so we found another place (Creekside) and had breakfast there. It was kind of pricy but we liked it, even I had a burger for a late breakfast. From there, we drove through the town to the visitor's center just to found a sign saying that they are closed for remodel (for a month). It had to be our lucky day. We drove back to the town and followed the sign for Fish Creek Falls (3.5 miles). The road went through some big houses neighborhoods and there was more snow. The parking lot for the falls was open (partly) and there were two cars. We parked and followed the sign for the overlook, the trail was still mostly snow, but it looked really pretty (sun and snow). It was short walk and we were standing above big hole and looking for the falls. It took few seconds to realize they were really big on the side and still partly covered with snow. Walk around and to the bottom of the falls (on snow again). Really nice. Back to town and a visit to “iconic” 100 year old western store (shoes, boots, clothing and some other monkey business). We left the town. We quickly stopped by the Forest service office (they were advertising information) but it was not helpful. And there was still a lot of snow around. The landscape was pretty, the drive became somewhat long and boring. We were going up and up. There were two options to get to the interstate. One of them was going pretty high and was twistier (I did not want to take that one). We stopped for a coffee and gasoline. Town of Kremmling. Apparently in that town the navigation (J.) did not work and we took the high road. Couple small towns, some bigger ski resorts and snow. A lot of snow. And up and down. Berthoud Pass was 11315 feet elevation. Our brakes were suffering. For a bathroom break we found some picnic area just past the pass (really snowy, but really pretty). At that time we were pretty much done with the worse twists. Interstate 70. For a moment we were completely stopped as there was some tunnel construction and then spent some time in very slow traffic. Drive to Denver. We had a motel on the east side of Denver (by airport). The city did not look like much from the distance. We got to enjoy some rush hour traffic (5.06 pm). We were both really tired and not feeling well (maybe altitude). We made few turns around the downtown Denver (looked pretty nice and interesting). We drove to the big park close by, the city still looked interesting. The park was boring, we did not stop. As we had enough, we got on Colfax street and were heading to the motel. Leaving central Denver, we had a feeling like being in Detroit. The street looked pretty bad, there were many abandoned buildings and it looked ugly. Again, two faces of big city. With very mixed experiences we ended up close to the airport in the motel. I had to do my last schools exam. Just fine evening and night.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Going East - Day 3

Wednesday, 24th of April 2013
Logan, UT – Craig, CO
Miles: 357

We woke up by 8 o'clock, had some breakfast and continued talking (mainly J.). It was pleasant morning and the time was flying. We looked around the house and yard, there was as well J.'s grandfather workshop. It was interesting walk through time. We drove to town, got gasoline and were heading away. It was really great visit. We drove through Logan canyon to Bear Lake. It was relatively long and twisty drive. There were still remains of snow (or a lot of snow on the peaks). It looked like the southern part of Utah (that we visited last fall). The picture was different because of the season. Stop at the Bear Lake overlook. It was great, deep blue lake and mountains all around. And snow, it was pretty cold (and throwing the snow ball). We stopped at the gas station for a coffee (and my hot dog breakfast). Gas price is much lower. Lake – small town and all the lake front properties in private hands (sucks). We drove to the lake through some resort and later saw that there was part of the lake that was open (no properties). It was pretty nice lake, the houses around the lake and hills did not look the best though. Unfortunately. More driving to the interstate 80. We left the lake area and the landscape got pretty boring, flat and gray. Some mountains in the back. It was taking forever. Nothing special. We saw signs for Fossil Butte National Monument (and as we did not have anything planned) and took the turn from the main road. It was about 3.5 miles and we found there a visitor's center. Otherwise it was pretty deserted. Nice building. We went in and discovered pretty nice exhibit of fossils. We talked to the ranger and it was interesting. Apparently they do work with the owners around to discover and replicate the fossils find there. If the fossil is on private property it belongs to the owner, he can sell it, keep it or anything else. I found that a bit strange. It was surprisingly nice and interesting visit. It felt like forever to get to the interstate. We were in Wyoming. Flat and somewhat industrial. Finally on the interstate, in a while we took the turn into Green River. There was a visitor's center, we went in, picked up bunch of maps and got an advice on short walk in the town. Apparently there is a lot of mining in the area. Another side of Wyoming (compare to for example Yellowstone). We drove to the river, had a quick picnic and had to get back on the road. Cheaper gasoline – 3.27, that was nice. About 90 miles on the interstate, nothing, boring, flat and gray. Last turn, we left the interstate and were heading toward Craig. The landscape did not really change. Still in Wyoming we got pulled over by police and got warning for speed (apparently 71 in 65 mph). That was kind of buzz kill, at least we did not get a ticket. The rest of the way we drove slightly below the speed limit. We entered Colorado. There was a lot of deer along the road. The landscape slowly changed, got more interesting. We were tired and had enough. Town of Craig, nothing special, we drove through the town looking for the motel. The place was at the end of the town, just fine. Finally end of the day.

Going East - Day 2

Tuesday, 23rd of April 2013
Winnemucca, NV – Logan, UT
Miles: 391

The sun was up and children were at school and it was around 6.20 when we started to get up. We wanted to leave as soon as possible so we would have more time to visit a family in Logan. J. has really big family (as far as I can tell). We got a coffee in the motel (at least that was free). J. missed (when booking) that the price was for a person, so we had to pay more when checking in. There was really nothing in the town, when we left the motel we were overlooking huge cemetery. Casinos and motel, Nevada oh Nevada. And … we were going east (on interstate 80). We had about 180 miles on this road, we stopped for gasoline in Elko (the window cleaner bucket had an ice in it!!!!). The surroundings were pretty much the same, boring and flat desert. There were mountains in the distance and covered with the snow (kind of surprising). More less we were driving next to the train track (so far without the train). Few settlements with truck stop and gas station. Few smaller town with really nothing appealing. Few industrial facilities (probably to process some minerals). Two warnings for prison area (we did not see the prison). Just driving and driving and counting the miles. We should be set with the place in Syracuse (we rented it ourselves so hopefully everything will work out). J. had to set up a drug test in Logan (or somewhere along the way). Logan was somewhat out of the way so we had to leave interstate 80 and got on another road and it became road number 30 in Utah. It was just small road and we stayed on it for over 100 miles. We passed probably 6 cars. There were few settlements and one small town (looked horrible). The landscape was even more boring then before. So we just drove, at one point we stopped at the intersection and I had a sandwich. Nothing nowhere. Finally on interstate 84 for a while and interstate 15 for a second and back on road 30 going to Logan. The landscape finally change (we were again seeing snow covered mountain all over the place), it got hilly and nicer. The time changed (we lost an hour). We found a place for J.' drug test and went there. It took about 25 minutes. From there it was about an mile to J.'s relatives. 3.30 pm, did not really see Logan. For the rest of the day we stayed in the house and J. played catching up with her aunt and her family (some of her children came to at least say hi and talk for a while). I met them first time in here, so it was a bit strange. We had really nice dinner. Again, it was more than lovely visit and we were happy we were able to do that.

Going East - Day 1

Monday, 22nd of April 2013
Sunnyvale, CA – Winnemucca, NV
Miles: 450

We were more less packed, we got up at 7.22 am and were getting ready to leave. It was taking a bit longer then we thought (as it is case every time). Move all the bags to the car, clean the place and pack the internet equipment. Return the keys. We were in the car leaving the apartment complex about ten minutes past nine o'clock. We had to drive to Comcast office and return the equipment. Waiting there about twenty minutes. And done … getting warmer … especially after packing whole car. Leaving Sunnyvale (237 -880 – 680 – 580 – 5 – 50 – 80). We were driving to Sacramento to visit J.'s family. Two hours and some change, the traffic was normal, nothing special on this drive. Sunny, warm and the green hills turning brown. 12.35 we arrived and meet the family. We stayed until 3.02 pm, it was really lovely visit, we got the lunch and some sandwiches for the road. I believe we were all happy that we were able to make the visit happen. Back on the road. We had to return to I-80 heading to Reno, Nevada. We already drove on this road (went to Lake Tahoe), so it was not new. It was nice, but kind of the same. Pretty warm. We entered Nevada. We drove through Reno, it did not look interesting or special, few bigger building, plenty of casinos (Oh Nevada). What else … we kept driving, as we had plan to stay in Winnemucca. There was few places along the road, but it was mostly flat and boring desert. Pretty much nothing interesting, just driving, driving and driving. We arrived just before eight o'clock, checked in to Motel 6 and had dinner (sandwich). First day of the trip was behind us.

Week 21

April 15th – April 21st 2013


We still did not have next assignment lined up. J. had her last three days of work (pretty bad days unfortunately). We did some packing and preparations but it was really hard as we were not sure what was going to happen. There were few small possibilities for Alaska, but they did quickly disappear and we were getting further and further from our Alaska adventure. We briefly contemplated Portland, Oregon, but after we got the procedure for the reinstatement of the license, we had to leave that alone. At that point we were already looking at east coast (Vermont, New York …). It was (probably) like riding a roller coaster, up and down, a bit of hope for Alaska and then nothing. Very early on Thursday, J. got phone call from Syracuse, New York state and later call them back and went through the interview. They offered her a job starting May 9th. As everything else failed and we liked the idea of staying up state New York, we took the offer. We had our next destination: Syracuse, New York state. J. had some sorting with her recruiter (formal offer, conditions and paperwork), but around the noon we were more less set and we decided to spent a night in Monterey. We packed quickly and lightly and left. We took 101 south and then drove towards Monterey. We stopped on the first beach that was along the road. It was sunny and nice, by the ocean it was breezy. It was beautiful picture, we will definitely miss this. We continued to the town, it was all familiar (as we visited the place before). We drove through the Cannery Row and then parked by Fishermans Wharf. We walked there, looked for canned clam chowder (to buy for dad), unfortunately they were out. We saw the seals in the water, it was pretty and funny. J. was hungry, so we picked one restaurant and had fish and chips, we were sitting on the terrace outside overlooking the dock for a tourists boats and a platform with the seals. Nice lunch. We drove to Pacific Grove, J. was somewhat disappointed with the town (she was expecting cute down town which was not there). We did not have any plan, so we did some thinking and drove towards Carmel.

Short drive, sunny and warm. We got to the town, it was probably mid afternoon so it was kind of busy, J. got a phone call from her recruiter (not the greatest signal). We parked and she talked. Always something. We drove through the main street with all the shops (did not stop as we seen it before). We enjoyed the drive along the ocean, we stopped once (J. was dreaming about having one of the houses here). It was really incredible, beautiful, there was super blue ocean and the picture was just so amazing. At the end of the drive, there was small state beach with the pond and some marsh land. We parked and walked for quite a while along the beach. One of our last beach walks in California. There was nothing special, it was just pretty much empty and so peaceful. We walked back along the bluff and the pond. It was a fresh water. Further down the road, there was former ranch that was used as a hotel and restaurant and somehow connected to Cling Eastwood (I think). We stopped there last time (but did not find anything else than nice resort property). We stopped again, walked through a bit and again did not find anything else than nice resort property (with sheep). As the day was getting the its end, we got back on the main road and drove to Monterey to our motel. Again and again, we will miss this part of California very much.

Friday, we woke up without the alarm clock and took it easy (no plans except to enjoy our last days in California). It was probably around nine o'clock when we left the motel and were heading to the 17 mile road and Pebble beach. We visited the place before and found it lovely, so we were repeating the visit. We paid the fee and went through the gate to this “exclusive” community. We got over priced and not very good coffee at the local market (we need coffee to start the day). Because of the real estate market in Syracuse we were trying to find the place on our own and get some extra money (as J.'s company sets the budget and uses it). So we were trying to talk to some people who were offering places for rent in Syracuse. Not easy. Meanwhile we were enjoying the drive and the ocean. We stopped few times and J. was picking up shells and rocks (we will have a nice collection from California). Oh well, it was the time to enjoy the life as much as possible (and no plans). The views were just unbeatable, the ocean on one side and few houses and golf course on the other one. We even saw few deer along the road. And baby ducks on the pond. We talked to some people in Syracuse and liked the place (as much as possible without seeing it), we tried to figure out the way to rent it from California (we had to send a deposit). So much fun. The road ended in Monterey, we made a stop at antique shop (J. had a field day), she bought something and as it took her forever we got parking ticket. Not so much fun. Buzz kill. I got mad because I was pushing her from the store but she did not go. It passed in a while. It was past one o'clock so we left the town and were heading home via Santa Cruz. We still enjoyed the views, a bit of ocean and a lot of fields (and people working on those). We did not stop in Santa Cruz, we missed our turn though. Cross the hills (mountains). And in less then 40 minutes we were back in big town.

Because we did not stop anywhere else, we were kind of early so we were heading to San Jose's rose garden. We visited the garden few months ago, but the roses were not blooming yet. Lately we saw many roses in bloom in peoples yards, so we were going to see if the garden was in bloom. The garden is a bit strange, between the main road, close to the airport, but at least it is there. We parked and were surprised by the heat. It was really hot. And … wait for it … the garden was blooming. There are hundreds and hundreds of roses planted in the circle, so it was really impressive and colorful picture. We both enjoy the nature and plants, so we walked many circles around and around. It looked like the garden needs some work done, but it was still really beautiful. We spent quite a while there and I got decent sun burn. We drove home afterward and did some packing. We could not believe we were getting to leave again. We were not sure about Saturday and we spent it mostly at home. We had to sent our apartment's security deposit, but other that that we just sorted some stuff, I did bunch of packing and J. had to do some paperwork for her next assignment. Kind of lazy day.

On Sunday, we drove to San Francisco. It was probably around 9.02 am when we left the house and head north on 101. We decided to stay on 101 all the way through the town. The freeway ends and kind of blends into the streets. It was pretty interesting drive, we did not drive this way before. There was some traffic, but t was not too bad and we enjoy driving through the city. Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. We stopped by the vista point (to use the bathroom). It was full of people (nice day and Sunday). From there we drove along the coast east. There was Marin Park and light house. We ended up on the top of the hill and enjoy the views of the city. It was incredible. At one point, the road went one way and was 18% grade downhill. There was sharp turn downhill and we could see just the ocean. It was kind of uncomfortable. Few stops along the way, really nice weather, warm and sunny and the best views ever. We stopped by the visitors center for Marin Park.

We looked around the visitor's center, but there was not much. We found a leaflet for a Marine Sanctuary just down the road. We drove there, the road was under construction but we kept going and found the perfect parking spot next to the entrance (there were people parked quarter mile away). It was newer building, we talked to the lady by the entrance, apparently they have around 170 animals and if possible they release them. There were some information boards and two platforms overlooking the medical part with the animals. You could not see much, but some of the visible seals looked really sad. There was not much to the visit, but it was very interesting. Another mile or maybe less and we parked next to the beach. There was a lot of people (hundreds and hundreds). It was a bit breezy, but sunny and nice. We walked along the beach (probably last walk along the beach) and enjoyed it.

Another couple miles or so and there was a light house (open just on weekends for three hours). Surprisingly packed (we had to park quite far). Around half a mile walk (too many people), some school children, so it was less enjoyable. There was even a small tunnel (with the door). The light house was on the tip of the land and we had to cross several smaller bridges. Some amazing views. Some seals down by the ocean (the walk way was pretty high). The light house was kind of small and there was not much to see (unfortunately), but it was still pretty nice. Walk back to the parking lot. Really warm. From there we drove back to the freeway 101 and continue to the other side of it, where was Fort Baker. There was a lodge, restaurant and bunch of other monkey business. We parked along the waterfront and J. called her friend who is living in the city. After a while we were able to figure out time and place to meet her (and her husband). Young people … just getting married and falling in love. We enjoyed the view (city), ocean and beautiful weather for a bit longer and then just head to the city.

We were supposed to meet close to Hippie town (Ashbury). It was quite a drive, but it was not too bad and in a way enjoyable. We had troubles to park (no space), so we ended up several blocks away and had to feed a meter (even on Sunday). We walk to the place where we were supposed to meet (we were early). We looked around, sit down for a bit and enjoyed ourselves as much as we could (our last day in Bay area). They were pretty timely and we found a place near by to have a meal (between lunch and dinner). It was pleasant meal and talk with them. Unfortunately she had to go quite soon to do some more work (you go to fancy school and get a degree to work so much, what a hell). Still, it was great we could meet them before we left. It was almost six o'clock, but we drove through the city (more less along the 49 mile scenic city drive) to get to Twin Peaks (second highest point in the city). It took a while to get there, but when we finally parked there and could see the city, we were pretty much speech less. It was amazingly incredible, it is impossible to describe without standing on the Twin Peaks and looking down. …......... Get on freeway and head south to Sunnyvale. We did some more packing and put some stuff into the car. More less ready to leave, tomorrow. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Week 20

April 8th – April 14th 2013

We did not anything special or worth of writing about. We are still uncertain about the next place as we got disappointed several times about possibilities in Alaska. There is very small chance that we still will be going to Alaska, otherwise we are considering Portland, Oregon and several places on East coast (Vermont, North Carolina, New Hampshire). The life goes on.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week 19

April 1st – April 7th 2013
Monday – work
Tuesday – nothing really, bad headache, J. went out with the friend
Wednesday, Thursday – Napa Valley (described below)
Friday, Saturday - work, school, clean up, shopping, walk in the bay
Sunday – stay at home, looking at alternative job options and places, relax, watch some shows
Saturday, April 6th 2013
I dropped J. off at work and drove to Mountain View bay park. Nice parking off the dead end road. Still a bit dark. Walked through Palo Alto Baylands Park mainly. It was nice walk into the wetlands, almost no people. There was a bit of sun peaking out, but later stayed just cloudy. Especially deep in the bay there was huge number of birds (noisy). It was pretty. I though it was shorter, at the end I walked around 5.5 miles.

Napa Valley

Wednesday, April 3rd 2013
Leave about 8.20.
Drive to Vallejo, about 1.5 hours, nothing special, cloudy, same pretty landscape.
Drive via Vallejo, strange town, no stop, something between Detroit, old spanish style town and modern-isch California.
Drive to Napa, to start kind of industrial, ugly and boring. Oxbow market (fancy, strange and small).
Downtown Napa, parking, walk, visitor's center (not helpful), walked through it, shops, riverfront, too comercial, nice but not special.

Drive along the wine road – Silverado trail, really nice, got sunnier, stop one – Signorello vineyard, infinity pool, empty, continue, river preserve – small walk, got really warm, and back to 29 road.
Yountville, V market – old industrial building made into market with bunch of fancy stores, quick town, drive by French Laundry, back to the main road. Nice place, a bit strange.
Beringer winery. Like small castle house. Great park around. Park, sandwiches for lunch. Walk into the house – tasting room. Impressive place, walk around the park and leave. Down the road Culinary institute (much bigger building looking like a castle).
Really nice dive, great places along the road, drive to Sterling winery, park, 40 dollars, aerial tram uphill, five wines for J (drunk mine too). Really nice view, self guided tour, very nice, tasting room and sixth wine, good, tram down. Enjoyable.

Drive to Grist mill (closed), drive by Castello winery (actually built like old italian castle), crazy people, animals, town of Calistoga. Drive by, stop at Gyeser (closed, saw some water). Petrified forest, too late, closed, road to Santa Rosa, up and down, twisty, nice, town, lights, J. tired, motel and store, end of the day.

Thursday, April 4th 2013
Leave about 8.20 again, raining, Santa Rosa, Luther Gardens and drive through the town, nice but nothing special, raining, driving south.
Road 12 towards Sonoma. Nice country, vineyards, houses, still raining. Skip botanical garden and Jack London Park (too much rain).
Sonoma. Boring, weird drive in, main square and somewhere visitor info. Still rain. Get out, spanish style square, nice. Talk and some places to stop. Walk along the square and mission. Rain, really nice and peaceful.

Leave, drive along 12 and then 121 south. Still the same nice country, a bit less rain. Sonoma cornerstone gardens, information center, art shops and designer gardens. We stopped, went into the garden art store (wind noise making things), gold fish in the tank. J. asked and we talked to the older guy for an half hour (interesting) about gold fish. Walk out, about 15 gardens (smaller plots), it was awesome, some were more traditional, some very special (desert waves with fake trees and few cactus’s). Incredible. Couple more stores / galleries – interesting.

Across the street Gloria Ferrer vineyard (J. liked one of their wines). Nice country, newer building, sit down and tasting (3 wines) for 10 dollars. Bad service, two of the wines not good (J. had it). Not the best experience. Leave. Back on the main road. Trying to get home sooner than later, running out of time.
Cline wineries. In Sonoma told about those two places for free tasting (not usual). Stopped. Really warm and semi sunny. Small and really pretty place. Small tasting room. People left. Another couple. J. tasting and talking to old guy. He visited Czechoslovakia (Europe) before Berlin Wall fall. Really interesting talk. Much longer than expected. J. was hoping to buy some wine. She had probably six to eight samples (and the guy was pouring and pouting more). Tipsy. Really pleasant. And nice weather.
About an hour of drive to Muir Woods National Monument. The weather got goofy. Cloudy. Some rain. We left wine country. Bay. Highway 101. Traffic. Very twisty road to the woods. Pretty. Got completely cloudy and foggy. Two parking lots for the monument – packed. Work day, rainy day – really? Drive further down the road and park along the road. Walk. Too many people. Big part of the main path either boardwalk or paved. Too many people. It was pretty, but we have seen it few times before. About two miles loop, nice walk, misty and light rain. Less people in the back (the longest of the main loops). Creek in the middle. There on one side, back on the other one of the creek. And up. Nicer. Visitors center, a postcard. Asked and told that this is not super busy. Good for us (just kidding). It was nice, but … there was too many buts.

Same weather. We left. Back on road 1. Twisty, cloudy and foggy. Road 101. Traffic. Really strange weather, clouds, fog and small pieces of blue sky. Golden Gate Bridge. J. received an email that Alaska does not have any job openings – our dream falling apart. Too bad. Crossing the bridge – no more live attendants, electronic toll (how does it work?). Slower drive through the city, I guess it could be worse. Interesting view of the city from above the bridge – almost black sky and the city showing in the light. Weird. Finally on 280, normal and nice drive – still the same strange and pretty pictures of the sky. Home. Unpack. Went out for thai dinner. Pretty good. Nice trip.