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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week 19

April 1st – April 7th 2013
Monday – work
Tuesday – nothing really, bad headache, J. went out with the friend
Wednesday, Thursday – Napa Valley (described below)
Friday, Saturday - work, school, clean up, shopping, walk in the bay
Sunday – stay at home, looking at alternative job options and places, relax, watch some shows
Saturday, April 6th 2013
I dropped J. off at work and drove to Mountain View bay park. Nice parking off the dead end road. Still a bit dark. Walked through Palo Alto Baylands Park mainly. It was nice walk into the wetlands, almost no people. There was a bit of sun peaking out, but later stayed just cloudy. Especially deep in the bay there was huge number of birds (noisy). It was pretty. I though it was shorter, at the end I walked around 5.5 miles.