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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Going East - Day 3

Wednesday, 24th of April 2013
Logan, UT – Craig, CO
Miles: 357

We woke up by 8 o'clock, had some breakfast and continued talking (mainly J.). It was pleasant morning and the time was flying. We looked around the house and yard, there was as well J.'s grandfather workshop. It was interesting walk through time. We drove to town, got gasoline and were heading away. It was really great visit. We drove through Logan canyon to Bear Lake. It was relatively long and twisty drive. There were still remains of snow (or a lot of snow on the peaks). It looked like the southern part of Utah (that we visited last fall). The picture was different because of the season. Stop at the Bear Lake overlook. It was great, deep blue lake and mountains all around. And snow, it was pretty cold (and throwing the snow ball). We stopped at the gas station for a coffee (and my hot dog breakfast). Gas price is much lower. Lake – small town and all the lake front properties in private hands (sucks). We drove to the lake through some resort and later saw that there was part of the lake that was open (no properties). It was pretty nice lake, the houses around the lake and hills did not look the best though. Unfortunately. More driving to the interstate 80. We left the lake area and the landscape got pretty boring, flat and gray. Some mountains in the back. It was taking forever. Nothing special. We saw signs for Fossil Butte National Monument (and as we did not have anything planned) and took the turn from the main road. It was about 3.5 miles and we found there a visitor's center. Otherwise it was pretty deserted. Nice building. We went in and discovered pretty nice exhibit of fossils. We talked to the ranger and it was interesting. Apparently they do work with the owners around to discover and replicate the fossils find there. If the fossil is on private property it belongs to the owner, he can sell it, keep it or anything else. I found that a bit strange. It was surprisingly nice and interesting visit. It felt like forever to get to the interstate. We were in Wyoming. Flat and somewhat industrial. Finally on the interstate, in a while we took the turn into Green River. There was a visitor's center, we went in, picked up bunch of maps and got an advice on short walk in the town. Apparently there is a lot of mining in the area. Another side of Wyoming (compare to for example Yellowstone). We drove to the river, had a quick picnic and had to get back on the road. Cheaper gasoline – 3.27, that was nice. About 90 miles on the interstate, nothing, boring, flat and gray. Last turn, we left the interstate and were heading toward Craig. The landscape did not really change. Still in Wyoming we got pulled over by police and got warning for speed (apparently 71 in 65 mph). That was kind of buzz kill, at least we did not get a ticket. The rest of the way we drove slightly below the speed limit. We entered Colorado. There was a lot of deer along the road. The landscape slowly changed, got more interesting. We were tired and had enough. Town of Craig, nothing special, we drove through the town looking for the motel. The place was at the end of the town, just fine. Finally end of the day.