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Monday, March 31, 2014

Anchorage - Week 1

March 24th – March 30th 2014

We had “normal work week” - well, J. had her orientation at the hospital and it was every work day more less between 8 – 5. Mornings were really cold and unpleasant. Afternoons had sunshine and were nice and pretty and enjoyable (still somewhat cold). We had to do more practical stuff – get settled, completely unpacked, more groceries – again, normal boring stuff. Quiet evening by fire (we have real fireplace) on Friday. As far as I can remember we did not do anything special during those work days.
Snow is slowly melting (even we were told that there will be one or two more snow storms before summer). Mornings are cold (about 15 – 20 degrees), afternoons are warmer (35 – 39 degrees). However, we saw quite a few people who are walking around in shorts (and some type of jacket). But, one day while driving I saw a guy in the park walking in shorts and t-shirts. In general, however, it is like anywhere else, people are wearing normal winter clothes. 

Saturday … there was 17th annual gathering on Southcentral Foundation of Native people in one of the Anchorage's convention centers. Stage, some art and craft stands, and many organizations and initiatives run by SCF. Music and dance by one of the tribes. It was interesting experience. The top of the building had a terrace with some impressive mountains views. A lot of activities showcased during the fair were affiliated with Alaska Native Hospital (J.'s work place). After leaving the fair, we walked through the downtown (quite small one), we got to the sound's parks (and main trail: Tony Knowles), some nice views, snowy and icy walk, Alaska railroad, Ulu (traditional knifes), and Ship Creek where in summer people can fish for salmon. Back to the town, main street, mostly souvenir shops, nothing really special. We found (by some people in Phoenix) recommended restaurant/bar Humpy's. It was late afternoon and we were hungry so we went in and had fish and chips (pretty good ones). Back to the car. Drive by Eastern European Deli and store (mostly Russian stuff) – interesting but nothing really for me. Home. Cold is making us kind of tired and slower (or at least it feels like that). When relaxing after getting home, we saw on television that there was some type of even at Alaska ZOO for Earth Hour. Looked it up. Around eight o'clock we were at the Zoo. There were some people. We listened to a short presentation and walked through the Zoo after that. It was interesting, cold, and mostly enjoyable. When sun was down, it got darker (still fine) but also colder (not so fine). There was supposed to be something with polar bears by 9:30 pm but we were too cold to wait for that so we went home. Fun day.
Sunday … cold morning (surprisingly). Slowly planning the trip home – it will be middle of summer and accommodation will be limited. We even booked the Alaska ferry for part of the trip. By midday or so we drove north to the Thunderbird Falls in Chugach State Park. Melting snow is showing gray ground and bunch of garbage all over the place – it is kind of sad look. About half an hour drive, nice views of the mountains around Anchorage. Mile long trail to the waterfalls. There were some people enjoying the nature. Mostly packed snow, few sport had sheet of ice on the ground. Viewing platform, the path down and all the way to the fall. Mostly frozen, therefore offering very different view of the fall. There was a small segment in the middle that was exposed, also part of the creek was not frozen so we could see water flow. Amazing picture. While catching sunshine we were fine, in shadow it was quite cold. We drove through (bedroom community) Eagle River (nothing there) and then home. Quiet evening. Our first full week in Alaska. We also have a date when we will be at home: July 10th 2014 (at 3:38 pm).