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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Phoenix - 13

February 24th – March 1st 2014

Some work days for J. (Monday, Tuesday, Friday). We left Phoenix on Sunday, March 2nd. Packing. Cleaning. School Stuff. Car. Getting ready for the road trip – Going North. It was somewhat unbelievable (and surreal) that we were getting ready to leave, again. Wednesday, we went to Glendale chocolate factory. Earlier in the day J. had to get done her drug test. Bunch of fun. The factory was relatively small and according to J. really 1950s and the show “I love Lucy”. They even had some reference to this television show. It was somewhat interesting. They do not produce their own chocolate so they use those huge blocks of chocolate as the main ingredient to make different candy. We drove through old town Glendale (looked like small city until we were back on the main road and saw all the sprawl). We stopped at Sahuaro Historic Park where we picked some grapefruits. They were pretty much gone be we found some inside the trees or high up. On the way home we stopped for late lunch at Valle Luna The restaurant was in mall-isch setting but it was pretty nice inside. The food was excellent and the size was enormous. We were pretty much done for the rest of the day. 

On Friday I refreshed my memory and re-learned that it takes much longer to get packed and clean the place than I thought. I always forget about that. But we were in good shape on Friday (J. worked) and the car was partly packed. It started to rain during the night and it was pretty heavy. In a way it is a big deal in Arizona. In a way it is strange. Well, J. brought home this picture: 
On Thursday, we drove to Cave Creek – we intended to buy cacti as presents and some metal sculpture (cactus) as a souvenir to take home. J. did not like any cactus (not big selection of small ones) in several nurseries that we visited. We did not like metal sculptures in Cave Creek either. It felt like that were different last time we were there. Or we saw them differently. We did not buy any any. From there we drove to Scottsdale for J.'s haircut. Same city. Same streets. Nice weather. We will miss winter in Arizona. Haircut. On the way home we stopped at Cosanti (original house of Paolo Soleri). Apparently it was build several miles out of the city but over town it got consumed by the city. Now the Cosanti complex is surrounded by multi-million dollar homes. It is very interesting contrast. In 1940 city of Phoenix had about 65 000 inhabitants (now it is about 1 500 000). Friday morning was crisp, breezy, and really beautiful after the rain. We had to finish packing and so on, but we drove to Desert botanical garden in the morning. It was relatively empty and extremely pleasant. Water made everything cleaner, fresh, and bright. Many cacti and plants are apparently blooming ahead of the schedule so we saw quite a few blooming plants. It was really pretty. We even saw a turtle. After coming home we had to finish packing and cleaning. We went for earlier dinner with J.'s friend R. from work. It was very good. I was hoping for no rain but later in the evening I had to load the car (for the most part) in the rain. I guess we are not destined to have nice moving day. Life goes on … LAST NIGHT IN PHOENIX.