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Sunday, December 2, 2012

San Francisco

December 1st 2012

Saturday, we figured out, that we will go to San Francisco. The weather forecast was not the greatest, but we were hoping we will be lucky. We planned to catch the train at 9.57. We walked in rain to the train station. It was fine (about a mile). Tickets and some waiting.
The ride was uneventful (35 minutes) and on time. Unfortunately, it was still raining. We did not have any plans, so after looking at map, we walked towards Market street and the center of town. Still, in rain.
We walked. We walked some more. We ended up on Market street, J. made us go to couple of stores and we stopped as well by visitor's center. Not very helpful. The rain was coming and going. It was not pleasant, but it was not too bad either. For most of the day, I was just in long sleeve shirt (and it felt nice). At the street car end stop, we turned and walked up the hills into residential street.
On Union Square, we found big Christmas tree and a lot of flowers blooming. It was such a nice picture in December. It was a bit strange experience (a this point). We were remembering some of those places from our previous visit (about 6 years ago), and we were in bustling city (compared to laid back Flagstaff). But it felt pretty good. Hard to say how that pigeon felt ...

As we did not have any plans (and only a map of city), we were going toward the bay (across big part of city). A lot of walking. We did really enjoy it. The views. The houses. Different streets and pictures.

We were getting somewhat tired, but we just continued walking and enjoying it. There was actually a lot smaller things, that were interesting or even amazing. Obviously, the weather was ruining some pictures and I was kind of fed up with opening and closing the umbrella, but it was relatively warm rain. In downtown area, we found this interesting building called pyramid.
After almost six miles, we finally made it and were on the waterfront. It got windier and colder, but still pretty nice. We could see Golden Gate Bridge in fog (actually made a nice picture). We sit down for a moment and just enjoy the view. There was big cargo ship coming in and it was huge. For a while, we walked down on Hyde street (and according to the map, it continued onto the pier). We walked on the pier and found out, that it was a national park. Small one, with many unique ships (and few of them were open to public). First, I was mistaken and paid 5 dollars (per person) fee to see the ships, just to discover, it was national park and our annual pass gave us free tickets. It was amazing. We visited three ships and really enjoyed it. Balclutha was first ship, it was sail cargo ship with big exhibit in the cargo area. We could see kitchen, living quarters and cargo space. It was unbelievable. Then we found captains apartment. Apparently, he was traveling with his family (his daughter was born on the ship), so he had really nice apartment available. Then we visited another ship being restored (not much to see). And the last one was Eureka (ferry from 30's). They had old cars on board, you could see small part of engine … just awesome.

We are glad, that after gasoline price spikes in California (couple months ago), we see normal prices (as low as 3.59). Still, it is heavy traffic driving and our miles per gallon will go down. We miss Flagstaff and its no traffic, but that is the life. It is not too bad around San Mateo. We were not too happy about 10 dollars (round trip) price for Caltrain. In San Francisco, we learned, why it was not too much. Parking is horrible and expansive (even on street meters are 3-4 dollars per hour). And gas prices … 4.39 per gallon.

Ohhh … when we were leaving the national park, we saw something strange. There were people swimming in the bay. Probably 15 people. Crazy.
After being in mountains of Arizona, we are back on ocean (well, close enough). It was nice to see water and Alcatraz as we were walking down the streets of the city. And then we sit down in national park (we did not know it is park yet) and enjoy the view. Later, we were told, it was built in 30's New Deal projects as a auditorium for water sports. As well the building next to (bath house), now museum.
Along the way, we saw so many cool and interesting houses. We as well visited few shops, one of them was art gallery/store with some interesting (and sometimes goofy) stuff. Like this wire work.
We spent much more time then anticipated in the marine park, so we decided to take a shortcut and walk towards the center and train station. There is a “czech” restaurant, so we wanted to stop. I would appreciate czech meal and J. was being nice to go along. Usually, when we try this (when there is czech restaurant, she does not get good meal). They were just opening, so it was quite awkward. We got a table, waitress was czech (so I talked czech – as well weird) and ordered our meals. At the end, it was pretty good (J. got tuna melt) and we were fine.

On the way back to train station, it started to rain again. We did enjoy ourselves and were glad we took a chance on weather. It got dark, there was plenty of lights and even some buildings had “christmas” lights. I guess. Normal train ride and then again walk in the rain.

Conclusion: so far so good. J. still has to start on her unit, but it looks like the area will work pretty nicely. Even in bad weather, it was relatively warm and nice. And there are still flowers blooming. And … no snow!!! Great winter so far!!!