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Monday, December 17, 2012

Week 3

December 10th – December 16th 2012

Below are described our trips to Berkeley and Point Reyes National Seashore. Otherwise, we started the week with shorter drives to:
Palo Alto
Half Moon Bay and North

I got back from Michigan, the weather was quite sad, cloudy and grey. Well, again, nothing we can do about that. It was nice to be back in warmer climate though. On Wednesday (I got back Tuesday evening) we drove to Palo Alto. It was raining on and off and the day did not look great. We parked and walked the downtown a bit. It was nice, but the rain was annoying. So, our visit did not last very long.

After we left the downtown, we drove towards the Bayfront Park. The weather did not really improve, but it was not raining. And we did not get lost. We parked and walked a bit. It was pretty nice park along the bay, even there was some type of plant by the water. And then we just went home, being quite tired (J. worked, I was still adjusting).

On Thursday, we drove to Half Moon Bay and continued north along the shore. We did not make any real plans, we just wanted to see, what was there and explore some. We saw some sun, but it was mostly cloudy again.

JV Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, that was our next stop. We got lost a bit in that small town, but ended up on the beach. Unfortunately, there was some construction going on, so we could not hike on the small hill, but could at least oversee the beach and even saw some seals in the water. It was really pretty.

We enjoyed the drive (for the most part). J. was looking for yarn shop, which we did not find. Our next stop was Pillar point. We walked along the bay and on the Pillar Point. There was a lot of people with dogs, even some fisherman. From the point, we walked for couple hundred yards on the beach and saw about 8 signs with name and dates (surfers or swimmers who died there). Sad.

Pacifica, California. For such a cold day, there was a lot of surfers. We made couple stops, looked around and then parked close to the municipal pier. We walked on the pier and it was a bit weird. There was quite a few people fishing. The pier was aged and kind of dirty. Who knows …

On the south edge of San Francisco (still probably in Daly city), we stopped at Thorton State Beach. It was just overlook, but it looked like you could walk down. (Apparently, it is not open to the public.) It was really nice view. On one side of the road was the city, on the other side, you could see ocean and incredibly green park. After that, we got lost a bit getting on freeway, but made it and got home safely.