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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Syracuse - Week 1

May 6th – May 12th 2013

Monday was our last day at home, in Michigan. J.'s friend spent a night in the house and were having relatively late breakfast. It was time to finish packing and get ready for our last trip (for the moment). J. went out and goofed off with her friend for most of the day. I took last trip to our house and finished cleaning around (kind of strange). I felt pretty sick. Finished packing, loading the car some and finally at the end of the day just relaxing some.
Our alarm went off before 5.00 am. Our aim was to leave around six o'clock. It was not easy (especially for J.). I packed the rest of the car and we were moving pretty good. We were going to move the car into the driveway and the alarm went off, we had some issues and had to disconnect the battery. Not the greatest start of the day. We left about 10 minutes after six. About an hour of driving in Michigan, nothing special. Cross to Canada, no lines and no waiting. Over three hours of driving in Canada, really boring and without the end. Unfortunately. We just drove, the road changed the name few times, few turns and we were heading towards Buffalo, New York. More cars waiting at the border crossing, it got hot (becoming a rule for our moving day). It was not too long, maybe 10 minutes of waiting. Quick look on our passports and we were back in the US. We got lost a bit but made it successfully onto I-90 New York thruway. Toll road. Again, we did not stop and wanted just be there and not to drive anymore. Over two and half hours of driving on the interstate. Somewhat interesting landscape, not for such a long time though. About 2.30 pm we were in Syracuse. Shorter drive from freeway. It looked strange, I just could not figure out how I am feeling about what I was seeing. Some empty lots, abounded buildings, some nice houses, pretty nice parts of downtown. Really strange mix. House and apartment. Pretty good. We moved in, went to a grocery store and were done for a day. While driving, the strange feeling about Syracuse stayed with us.
Wednesday. Our first day in Syracuse, New York state. We already got some groceries yesterday, so we took the morning easy. It was sunny and relatively warm. J. had her physical at 1 o'clock. Until that we stayed at home trying to sort and organize our stuff. Slowly but surely. I dropped her off at the hospital (it is just a bit over a mile). It got cloudy and rainy, when I picked her up it was raining. We went to couple more grocery stores and were not super happy with the selection. It was raining really heavy. Almost like a hell. The evening was quiet. We watched some shows on internet.
- the view from the window in our apartment

- driving along the small lake and some sad site in the city

- city views from one of the parks within city limits
Thursday. J. had her first work day (an orientation). I still felt sick, so I stayed at home trying to finish making our “home”. I as well had to start with my class. Easy day (except being sick). J. was done in the early afternoon. I picked her up and we did not do much for the rest of the day. She had some issues with the contract and the job, so she was trying to get in touch with the agency and had some fun with that. So far it is more less working out.
Friday. J. had shorter day of an orientation, I dropped her off and tried to continue sorting and getting settled. Going “so so” as I was still feeling kind of sick. I as well had to start with my class. J. walked home (a bit over a mile), it was probably one o'clock. A bit later we drove into the town and went into the visitor's center. There were some brochures and information (not much) and unfriendly and unhelpful person. We drove a bit through the town and continue to have that strange feeling from it. Syracuse is really strange. I call it interestingly strange. J. found a word “griddy”. We as well heard the word “desolate”. It is hard to say. Hopefully with the time we will be able to understand it a bit more. It is definitely very different from our past experiences. With the weather being goofy, we drove home and quiet evening.
Saturday. Another slow morning, the weather is changing a lot (quite often gray) and I still do not feel well. There is a marketplace in the town and they have Saturday's farmer's market. Less then two miles drive, very busy, I guess we were lucky to park within two minutes really close to the market. Several buildings and sheds next to railroad and freeway. Actually really large place in many ways similar to Detroit's Eastern Market. Walked around. Windy and cold. Really busy. Onondaga Lake, that is smaller lake within city limits. From the market we sort of drove around the lake, visited one park, again it was interesting and strange. It got really cold and windy. There were some nicer suburbs of Syracuse, a lot of empty land, still the town looked so green (there is so many trees). And again many run down houses and strange parts of the town. We continued driving through the city and found few parks and one hill top one with really nice views of the city. Surprising. We did some cooking and television watching in the evening.

- houses and building in the city, just to illustrate how strange the city is

- pratts falls county park, really green and really pretty
The weather got nicer for Sunday, so we were going to see couple parks near Syracuse. Sleepy and empty town as we were leaving. Actually, for the most part the city is not really busy. It was about twenty five minutes to Pratt's Falls Park. (South East of Syracuse). The city was behind us really soon and we were in really pretty farm land. It was hilly, green and incredibly picturesque. We could not believe what we were seeing. It was strange. Everything was green and blooming or getting ready to bloom. Pretty. Pratt's Falls was a county park, plenty of parking and almost no people (pretty cold morning). We took small walk (less then 0.5 mile circle) to see the falls from the bottom. It was pretty nice view, one would not expect it here. There were some signs about different mills being on the site in the past. We continued driving. In the village of Cazenovia we visited closed Lorenzo historic site. It is still pretty surprising to compare city of Syracuse and close surroundings. It is interestingly strange. It was pretty pleasant drive. Another stop by Chittenango Falls. Bigger falls, state park, smaller parking lot open, the site closed for the season, picnic tables and several cars there. Nice overlook just about fifty yards from the parking lot (and actually pretty large and impressive falls), relatively short walk down to the bottom of the falls. Kind of mild and tame beauty of the nature, it is not impressive as many other sites we seen, but there is something nice and pleasant about the landscape here. And actually the view from the bottom was pretty great and impressive. More driving. We stopped by the grocery store (again, we probably visited most of the grocery stores around here). J. bought her bicycle (hopefully she will use it). It got cloudy and rainy again. Home. End of our first week in Syracuse, mixed feelings, but hopefully it will work out just fine again.
- chittenango falls state park