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Monday, May 27, 2013

Syracuse - Week 3

May 20th – 26th May 2013

Monday. J. got home from work and went to sleep. The same routine for me. J. got up at 1.13 pm and it took her over an hour to get moving. It was her switch day, to sleep for a bit, stay awake and go to sleep during the night. I found a word describing her state in the afternoon “Monster Inc.”. She did some reading, had some food and then I had to force her to get out of the apartment. At the end, we agreed on smaller walk to the downtown of Syracuse. It was sunny and really warm. Underneath the highways, nicer and uglier streets. On Erie Boulevard we found Erie Canal Museum. As we learned, it used to be weighing building (to check to weight of the ship and determine the toll), nicely restored free museum. We went in and went through the museum and were more than surprised. There was even a ship in what probably used to be a canal and we could walk through it. Some nice stuff and pictures from the era when Syracuse was thriving (long gone). We continued via Hannover Square to Clinton Square. Clinton Square was on Erie Canal and there was a port. Who could imagine that today? There is a water feature in the middle of the square (I guess it is supposed to remind of a canal). Walk back. Nothing special, some big old homes and some abandoned ones really close by. Syracuse is strange. Light dinner, reading and relaxing and movie “Couple's Retreat” in the evening (movie highly recommended). 

Tuesday. Slow morning. J. had big issues to get up and start her day (feeling sick, tired and cranky). Hopefully it will get better (the way she copes with the night shift). It was somewhat cloudy and sunny at the same time and the forecast was calling for thunder storms later in the day. We drove about 8 miles to Clark Reservation State Park. It is still interesting how close the “urban” area is to pretty much countryside. There was some work done in the park (lawn mowing and construction). Few cars in the parking lot. Hot and humid. Cranky J. It was about 2.5 miles walk. There is just about six miles of trails. A lot of rocks, nice tame forest, boring first, later more rocks and more interesting. Small lake in the valley, we did not go there this time. Really steep edge. After the walk we drove via several small villages and some towns east and northeast. Very similar landscape, hilly and “domesticated”. The roads are in really good shape (especially considering winters here). The state speed limit is 55. It looks like the speed limit is posted (in the village for example) and then there is a sign with (end speed limit). Some abandoned houses. A lot of farm lands and farms. Jamesville County Park, on the lake, lawn mowing, road work. I would say that it looks quite a bit like Europe, there are some forest and green spaces, but most of the land is in some type of use, it looks very “domesticated” and manicured. And there is a lot of cemeteries. A lot of them. Lake Oneida. Verona State Park. Empty. A lot of work being done, again. We walked a bit around, very few people, huge parking lot. It looks like New York State has pretty nice recreational facilities and actually takes care of them (no budget cuts?). Still hot and humid. Drive home, more less the same landscape, glimpses of lake for a while, an accident on the road. We quickly stop by the store to get few food items. Reading, television watching, school work and not much. It rained and there was a lot of thunder going around. Strange weather.

 Wednesday. We do not have much luck (so far) with the weather. Cloudy, humid and drops of rain. J. slept until eleven (I tried to wake her up at 8.30 am but she acted as Monster Inc., so I left her alone). It was kind of late for a longer trip to Lake Ontario, so we stayed local. We drove through the city (we saw some new parts), a lot of construction going on. We wanted to visit Zoo. There was a construction in progress by the entrance. Many school children. Some rain, so we continued driving. We drove through some parks that we (apparently) already visited. The weather got better so we drove back to Zoo and went in. Relatively small, nice landscape, again lost in green jungle. Many animals were just sleeping. Hot and humid. Sunny. In was not the greatest, but it was interesting. It seems be in line with the rest of Syracuse area, kind of smaller and tame. Too hot. We drove home. J. did some cooking, we relaxed for the rest of the day. J. had to stay up whole night as she was switching back to the night shift.

Thursday. Pretty much nothing. J. slept during the day. It was hot and humid again. Monkey business at home, I went quickly to the store and took a short walk in the park. Some rain in the evening. J. went to the work (I drove her).
Friday. A huge drop in temperature over night. It got below 45 degrees and it was raining. When I got up, there was fog all over the place and it was cold. Strange, just yesterday we were so hot. Pick J. up at work and more less the same morning routine. It stayed cold and rainy whole day. Nothing special. In the evening, I drove J. to work. Rainy Syracuse.

 Saturday. Empty town. Quiet and sad looking, rainy and cold, empty Syracuse. J. went to sleep and was switching in the early afternoon. It was somewhat better than the last time. She was just partly “Monster Inc.” (never saw the movie or have no idea what is it about). Some food, slow around the house. Later for drove few miles west to go to the used bookstore (I saw some adds). Unfortunately it was catering to people reading romance and popular novels. Not interesting. More less next to it (in the shopping strip), there was a store called “European Specialties”. Small store with some stuff (Polish and Russian), some meats and cheeses. Actually pretty nice selection. Syracuse Arboretum (nice dog park next to the cemetery). Cloudy. Drive back and evening with the movie.

Sunday. Normal morning, it was cold outside. Sunny. J. slept terrible. We left the house around 9.30 heading northwest. Somewhat similar landscape, rolling hills, a lot of farmland and bunch of small villages and towns. We stopped once in a small town where J. saw a junk shop, so she went in. Besides that we just drove into Fair Haven State Park. I think for the first time I saw Lake Ontario. It was really cold and windy on the shore. The sign “no camping vacancy” was strange, it was pretty cold during the day, but on the other had it was Memorial Day weekend. Parked. Walked on the Federal Pier. The surroundings of the Lake were really pretty. Pond in the middle. Couple smaller building. Nice bay with the vacation homes on one side. Kind of peaceful. The lake was pretty wild. We drove a bit into the park and passed four larger parties picnicking along the way. We walked on the closed service road and were thinking about walking the Lakeshore Trail. Small beach. Swamp behind us. Walking. Going uphill and following the lake from the above. The “mini” trail was just on the edge of falling dirt. The views and nature were really pretty, the lake on one side and nice woods on the other. We were not sure about the trail though. Later, we saw some leftover land masses standing up and created strange looking sharp islands. In a while (probably a bit less then a mile) we ended up on the beach and walked back on Woodlands trail. Really nice nature. And back to the car. Another ten miles or so to the town of Oswego. We stopped on some roadside farm market / greenhouse, it was huge place full of people. We got some fruit and vegetables. Oswego. Nothing really special, we drove by downtown (not much there) and ended up by Fort Ontario Park. At the end of the park, we had “photo opportunities” of the Oswego Lighthouse. It was really nice (still working) structure built on the breaker wall. Not open to the public. Fort Ontario, there was an admission and surprisingly quite a few people. Big (more less) round wall with concrete blocks and grass on the top. Big round space in the middle with three houses and some smaller buildings, which we could tour. Some were really nicely restored with stuff and information inside. From the top of the wall, there were several access points into inner shooting catacombs. There was one remaining canon on the top wall as well, funny thing, the birds had a nest inside it. Almost leaving, we got stopped by the guy in the uniform (there were some kids in uniforms acting as guides) and talk about his gun for a moment. He offered to shoot it (I did not care about it), but J. said yes (according to her he was so excited to shoot). We left. We were getting tired and so far it took quite a while to get here (enjoyable time). We drove east, we passed the village of Mexico. We got on freeway 81. Stopped by the store. Dinner. Movies. Sleep.