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Monday, May 20, 2013

Syracuse - Week 2

May 13th - 19th 2013

J. had her last day of an orientation on Monday. Another rainy, cloudy and cold day. Still feeling sick. Drove her to work. Nothing special. After the work, we drove to the suburb of Cicero to Walmart to get a bicycle lock. We toot the freeway there and smaller roads back, similar sites and nothing special. It was raining. J. had to stay up whole night as she was going to work night shift on Tuesday evening. She took a nap. Television and some reading. Some crazy weather.
Tuesday. J. slept during the day. We were able to darken the room and make it suitable for day sleeping. There is a loft area in the apartment with the bed, so we can split when one is sleeping. Unfortunately the bathroom is of the bedroom and that makes it very inconvenient. Oh well, we will figure something out. Still not feeling completely fine, did some school stuff, reading and relaxing. It got pretty cold in here, and rainy, so I drove her to work in the evening (it is just over a mile and there is back way with almost no traffic). There were some issues with J.'s contract and work schedule and J. tried to talk to her recruiter and her boss in the hospital to get it fix, still going on.
Wednesday. J. was late as she was talking to her boss about her situation. It was raining. Cold and cloudy. I picked her up around 8.00 am. She went to sleep. Still not feeling the best, I did some school work, reading, television watching and relaxing. I as well finally got caught on blog writing. The place looks more less like “we live here”. We are still trying to figure out our routine and situation and it will probably take another week or so. Even her first work night was not the greatest, there were many positive signs and she felt better about the job situation. So far so good. Nothing special for the evening and the night, J. had to stay up (she is not switching because she has to go back to work on Friday). She decided not to push somewhat bad schedule (she works two days and then she has two days off) and suck it up for now, so we have three blocks of strange situation (she stays up whole night even she does not work). I guess we will live.
Thursday. Not much different. I got up (early) and J. went to sleep. Some monkey business, reading, television and school, really not much. In the evening, J. got up and I went to sleep. Nothing special.

 (City views from two different spots. Everything is so green here.)
Friday. Not much different. I did some shopping. J. use her bicycle to get to work in the evening. Still not feeling completely fine. The weather is fine, everything is green, so we just need some days off to explore the area and enjoy ourselves. Should be coming up. The night shift does not work very good for us, unfortunately.
Saturday. We continued with the strange life when J. is working night shift. We are trying to adjust and find some balance and system, but so far we have some difficulties. J. came home in the morning, her first bicycle work ride was successful. I had similar morning, some school, reading and doing nothing. Even it was sunny early morning, by the mid day it was cloudy and gray. I planned a walk through the close neighborhoods, so I took a walk around 11.09 am. It was again interestingly strange. I went through three large parks which were really children friendly. Some streets were fine, I passed through some parts of the town that were fabulous, huge older homes with immaculate landscaping. Michigan comparison: Birmingham. Yet, within few blocks I was in somewhat goofy streets. It is really hard to understand Syracuse. I passed few people on the streets and many of them said hi, conclusion: people are pretty friendly here. Throughout the whole walk (5.574 miles) I was (still) impress with all the greenery, it is like the whole city would be lost in the green ocean. It is pretty hilly (smaller hills), yet the whole picture is mostly relatively flat. Many children playing sports (one of the parks was next to the school and had several different sports fields). It was either really humid or I am still not completely fine, because I was sweating like a pig. Big cemetery. Few stores. Even main roads relatively small. The church with the school (used to be Holy Trinity) for sale or lease. The church was visible from quiet a distance. Strange. For couple block I did not have the best feeling, as it looked like ghetto, dirty and messy and shady looking. On the top of that there was a car with three people and they were screaming at each other, oh … beautiful life. Strange. Safely home. I was really tired and took the rest of the day even more easy than normal (yes, it is possible). I drove J. to work in the evening. 

(From three bigger parks I went through on my walk.)
Sunday. Same morning routine, I was about around 6.03 am, had my coffee and read news online. Pick up J. at work (on time, short drive). I was up and she went to bed. Not much until about 11.30 when I took a drive and did some town exploration. I got lost a bit and ended up in the countryside, interesting. Along the way, there was self car wash, so I washed the car a bit and exchanged some bills into quarters (as our basement laundry takes coins). I was in the town of DeWitt. Stopped by the park along the road which was part of the Erie Canal Way. This park had remains of aqueduct, it is a interesting structure. I took a small walk along the canal. Driving home on Erie road (many shops), got few things in the store. Basically same evening, drove J. to work. It is different and somewhat difficult start of our time in Syracuse. We have issues with J. night shift and as well with getting the soul and sense of the area.

(Butternut Creek Aqueduct in DeWitt.)