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Sunday, January 13, 2013


Thursday, January 10th 2013

San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Monterey

We were up pretty early, had breakfast and left the house around 7.32 am. We had to stop by hospital to pick up parking pass. The traffic was horrible, as was the drive through half of the campus. Really nice start of our trip. We had to drive to Santa Cruz, to pick up Monterey Aquarium passes. The standard admission is 34.95. Luckily for us, the family had membership and we could use their passes. We had quick breakfast (bagels and cheese) and then stopped by the lab, where she was working. It was small research company working on some rare skin disease. We got the tour and explanation, we even saw lab mice. That was really cool (after they asked us, if we were Peta). Funny. After that, we drove along the coast and did “drive by” tour of Santa Cruz.

At one point, we had to leave the coast and get on highway number 1. We were heading to Monterey, which was less then hour away. We left the highway and wanted to see ocean. We were driving between strawberry fields, just to find the end of the road (and no ocean). On the way out, we made quick stop, I took picture of strawberries and picked up few of them. For some reason, there was smaller field with mature plants with berries. We did not want to get caught trespassing, so we drove away quickly. The berries tasted so good. 

Moss Landing was our next stop. It was tiny village with the bay. We parked and found bunch of sea otters swimming there. They were pretty close, so it was great. It was somewhat windy and cold on the beach. From the highway, we turned into the parking lot of restaurant, where was small observation deck. There was over hundred of sea lions lying on the dock. So close … it was incredible.

We stopped few times along the road and arrived around two o'clock. J. was really tired (as she switched from the night shift and did not sleep well). We checked into the motel and drove through the town to the lighthouse. It was small house (really more like house). We went inside, unfortunately the top was not open to the public. So … really nice old house. It was still pretty windy and cold. That was north end of Pebble beach and 17 mile road area. Really nice.

From the lighthouse, we were slowly driving back, planning to make few stops on the coast. We as well drove a bit into Pacific Growth (town, or part of Monterey) and wanted to see Monarch butterflies. We were not very optimistic, because it was relatively cold and Monarchs do not like cold. It was small hidden park and the only butterfly we saw, was this one:
On the way to the famous Cannery row, we followed the coast. It would be nice to live in those houses (the view). The coast was incredible and wind was creating really amazing picture. On the other hand, it was a bit cold. I guess, you can never win.

We parked afterward at the Cannery row. Not many people (around 4.30 pm). It was that famous tourist trap. Bunch of restaurants and shops, but … Hard to say. J. was almost falling asleep walking, so we decided to grab dinner (fish and chips), it was pretty good. On the way back to the motel, we stopped by grocery store, so I would have some breakfast food and pretty much ended our day.