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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Week 9

January 21st – January 27th 2013

We are staying in California for additional 8 weeks (J. just need to sign the contract). The weather is still nice, relatively warm and sunny. On Sunday, we drove to Sunnyvale (about 20 miles) to check the place, where we might move for those two extended months. It was pretty nice place, pretty much same distance to Caltrain and downtown Sunnyvale. J. spent three days in Michigan and came back Wednesday night. There was some mechanical problem on the plane in Atlanta, so she was 1.5 hours late. That was quite unfortunate, because she had to work next day. She was very tired, so I drove her to work. I would say, that that night messed up following few days (I was quite tired too). Otherwise (not counting weather I guess) she enjoyed her visit at home very much. Oh … snow …

On Monday, Martin Luther King Day, I drove to the coast. It was nice and sunny day, so I left pretty early. I parked on one small beach (dirt parking lot on the cliffs). The access to the beach was kind of hard, but possible. So I took nice walk on the beach. There were some people, but it was not too bad. Nice views, bit of wind and ocean without the end.

I drove probably 6 miles north on the road number 1 and at the end of residential street found newly formed park. I read, that several organizations in Bay Area are keeping up (and when possible) expanding open public space. It was smaller one mile loop in the hills above the town. There were some steep parts, but the views from the peaks were spectacular. I could see the town, small airport and whole bay (Half Moon Bay).

And again, it really looks like spring is here.
Just couple miles down the road, next to the airport, was Pillar Bluff County Park. It was small walk up and about a mile loop on the bluff. The views of ocean were incredible, wind was just light and pleasant. There were some people, again, but it was not too bad. There was no access to the beach (it looked like there was a beach with low tide). Still, the views were well worth it. Apparently, it was not on the map, there was path all the way down to the cove parking lot. I walked that way before realizing it and had to turn around, looking for shortcut, I ended up in the woods and I believe there were some shelters of homeless people. Strange.

There was really nice view of the airport and actually quite a few people were flying there. It was interesting to watch small planes taking off.
And that was pretty much all. I was hungry, so I was heading home. The town was really busy, there was probably 200 cars parked along the road and many people surfing in the bay. Luckily most of them were driving north, so I was just watching the line of cars half a mile long. Nice weather, holiday Monday (MLK) and ocean. I guess, next time we will go there on weekday.

On Tuesday, I took a train to San Jose. It took about 40 minutes. I did not have any plans, so I just started to walk towards the downtown. There was light rail track next to the train station (used by Amtrak and few other transportation lines). It was nice day (again). There was almost nobody on the streets, it was really weird. (It was about 10 am on workday.) I had small map of the city (San Jose is the biggest city in Bay area) so I was following it to the center. The city was somewhat strange, the streets were wide, many big buildings (some of them were nice), there were as well light rail tracks, but it did not work together. It was just strange and empty. There were few people, but mostly the streets were pretty empty. And … there was a lot of homeless people. Unimpressed by the downtown, I had sort of back up plan, to go to Japanese friendship garden. It was across freeway 280 and I did not have a map of that area.

On the way to the garden, I was just wandering around and hoping for some nicer and more interesting parts of city. It did not really happen. I took small break in the park with the water feature. Later I found out that it was the main park in the downtown area. Ok.
Without map, I was just following general direction, that I had in my head. It got more residential, few parts had small stores etc, but it looked kind of poor and trashy (for big part). It got really warm. I started to be worried that I was lost, but finally I found sport's facilities and next to them the park with the garden. It was nice, but kind of boring. At least they had fish there.

I found a lot of signs “for lease”.
I as well saw a lot of homeless people. Even on the way from the garden, there was few tents next to the road.
Later I read that San Jose is called “capital of Silicon Valley” and is pretty rich (measured by income and production). I had hard time to believe it after what I saw, but I guess everything is possible. I did not really find anything super interesting, so I just walk slowly back to the train station and went home.