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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 7

January 7th – January 13th 2013

J. worked her three last night shifts. On Sunday, she started her three day shifts before going home to Michigan for a week. Above I will describe our trip to Monterey. It was really amazing trip, we had great weather (what we came to California for) and really enjoyed it.
One trip/walk I did when J. was sleeping during the day, was Purisima Open Space Preserve. About 14 miles away (in the hills on west side) was this big space. I parked there in the morning, met one guy who was just leaving and walked down. It was incredible area, I saw ocean and later got “lost” in the forest. Even it was sunny, it got really dark.

It was about 3.5 miles to the bottom parking lot. I was not looking forward to the way back (it was long decline). I was hoping for some short cut, but I was walking along the steep gulches. There was no way to cut through. I just had to walk. It was really nice, when I started to see ocean again.

I planned for about 7 miles of walking, at the end, I walked 9.7 miles. I was tired, but it was well worth it. I am still amazed about the nature sites so close to overpopulated bay area. Who knew?