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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Anchorage - Week 11

June 2nd – June 8th 2014

Monday and Tuesday were normal, gray, uneventful, same, and work days for J. Our time in Alaska is rapidly approaching its end. It is somewhat strange – within a month or so we will be back home trying to settle. Strange. J. was asked about extending the contract (not really possible for us at this time). Our trip home is planned and ready. In few weeks we will also get a visit from J.'s family – that will be quite interesting. Life goes on. On Wednesday, J. had her switch day – we decided to drive up to Denali that day. Normal good looking morning, get ready, J. was up by 11:30 am and we left by 12:21 pm. Sunny day with mostly blue sky – great. We already drove on this road (few times, actually) so it was not really new. There was difference of “the season” - it was mostly green with some flowers – quite different from the first time when it was all gray and boring. Few stops along the way, Denali State Park – South View Point (really great views of Denali – weather permitting). Pretty nice weather = pretty nice views. Otherwise just driving. Parked outside Talkeetna (half way between Anchorage and Denali) J. called flight seeing company to reserve the flight (on special with glacier landing). Either morning or afternoon (we went for morning). Driving and thinking about it (Talkeetna is about three hours from the motel) we realized that 8:30 am was perhaps too ambitious – we called back and changed it for the evening. Drive by the Denali Park entrance, small Denali village (the sad one) and get to Healy to our motel. Both tired – quiet evening with bunch of daylight.

Thursday morning – cloudy, gray, rainy. Excellent day for a bus trip into Denali National Park and Preserve. Our purchased tickets were for 9:00 am bus departure. The park is closed for private vehicles, there are tour buses (go in, see, go out on the same bus) and there are shuttle buses (buy ticket, go in, get out and see, get on another bus … and get out). We had shuttle bus tickets. Old school bus. Rain. Very few animals. Funny and strange comments from the bus driver (they do not narrate the ride). Greener then on our first visit but unfortunately not that much. Spring is still trying to come into the park. Some other people from Michigan. It took about 3 hours and 40 minutes to get to Eielson Visitor Center (mile 66 – from the park entrance). Rain. Great views of Denali Mountain – weather permitting – this time we saw only clouds and fog. Sad. It was interesting experience but (partly because of weather) we were quite disappointed. Some funny comments from the driver (unintentional humor) – there were bear droppings on the road (that was the closest we got to seeing a bear on this trip). We stayed on the same bus because there was not much we wanted to do – weather was horrible for walking around. Again: sad. 5:00 pm we arrived back to the visitor center. We heard some people talking about seeing bears, some even said they saw bears in the middle of the road (probably those that left the droppings for us). It is very different experience and I have to say that it was not our cup of coffee, sadly (we were still glad we did it, it was somewhat interesting). We drove to Denali village and had fish tacos and fish and chips for dinner (very good). End of the day – kind of tired and worn out. Friday – we had our flight seeing tour at 5:00 pm (it was about three hours drive from our motel). Plenty of time, slow morning, drive to Denali – we almost missed the bus to sled dogs kennel for the demonstration. Bunch of dogs, some in cages and some next to their dog houses (on chains) – just being lazy because they do not like the heat (sun and 60 degrees). Walk around, pet some dogs, listen to some of the staff (they retire the dogs at the age of 8 – 9 and people can adopt them, there can be apparently up to 100 people listed for one dog). Listen to the ranger talk about Denali, dogs, and traditions. See dogs lined up to the sled and run small circle – pretty cool. A bit more walking around, pictures, and bus back. Slow drive south. Again few stops along the way. Few clouds but mostly sunny and very pleasant (where was this day yesterday???). Byers Lake (in the Denali State Park). Guy with two lake trouts. About 3 miles walk mostly along the lake. Really pleasant and peaceful place. Denali South View Point (I guess our last time). Drive to Talkeetna. Some extra time so we drove through “the town” (apparently the real Alaska) – many more people = tourist, still sad and kind of strange. Airport and Denali flight (described below). We were done at about 7:20 pm and drove home (about two hours). Long day. Saturday – day off – pretty much nothing (it is nice to do that sometimes). Sunday – J. was switching for the work so she stayed up and slept through the day (cloudy, mostly). Another week gone...