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Monday, June 16, 2014

Anchorage - Week 12

June 9th – June 15th 2014
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – work and switch days, nothing special. Weather kind of gray, sad, rainy, cloudy, and moody. Some errands, small car repair, bookstore, walk, school work done for our trip home, packing, planning, and some doing nothing. Getting close to our departure day. On Thursday we did (second try) our Kenai Fjords National Park cruise (described below). It was really great experience. Friday the 13th (June, 2014). Nothing horrible or scary really happened. The work on the car was done. I dropped the car on the rainy morning (8:00 am) and walked home (about 2.5 miles). In small wooded area between the hospital and college campuses there was pile of crap – it was very likely left by a bear. Crossing the UAA campus I found a temporary sign informing about “bear sighting” in the area. J. actually got work email saying that there was bear sighting near the hospital. We also saw on the television news that in the middle of the day the bear with two cubs was seen crossing busy street. We want to see a real bear but it looks like we are just being teased. About noon I went to pick the car up (there is a picture that has J.'s description of the events written down) and asked J. to come with me – she did not want to. I crossed one of the busy roads (Northern Lights Boulevard from Bragaw street) and saw a bear by the garbage bin about twenty yards from me. If I would not pay attention I would almost walk into him. After few seconds I called J. to tell her about that. For few minutes (standing back) I was watching the bear walking around, digging in the garbage and then slowly leaving into the park. I SAW A REAL BEAR (and I was really close)!!! We can go home now, I saw a bear. The rest of the day was fine, relaxed, and peaceful. Saturday and Sunday: not much. J. has her last 4 days of work, her family is already in Alaska (still enjoying the cruise itinerary), and we are slowly packing and getting ready to leave. Weather is a bit strange: clouds,rain, sun, one never knows how it is going to look like in few hours. Life is good.


From: E-Mail BulletinsSent: Monday, June 09, 2014 11:52 AMTo: _ANMC HospitalSubject: Bear Sighting on Campus - Monday 6/9Please be bear aware around campus
A black bear with two cubs was recently spotted on the ANMC campus behind the Inuit going toward University Lake.  Please do not approach the bears and exercise caution when traveling on foot or bike around campus.
If you see a bear on or around campus, please contact ANMC Security at x2915. They will report the sighting to the Alaska Department of Fish & Game.
According to the Department of Fish and Game, black bears do not pose a huge threat to humans but here are a few safety tips:
Do not run from the bear, stand your ground, wave your arms and talk sternly (not yelling). Bears are predators and a running object indicates a food source.
  • Give the animal plenty of room. Do not try to follow, corral or corner the animal.
If the animal returns, contact Fish and Game (267-2185) during weekdays or Alaska State Trooper dispatch on weekends (907-352-5401). The quicker the call is initiated the better chance they have at locating it.
More useful information can be found at the Department of Fish and Game website: