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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Denali - Flight

Friday, June 6th 2014

Talkeetna. We got to the airport. We paid almost 480 dollars for an hour long flight with landing on the glacier (it was special discount price). We were told to wait on the back porch. We got glacier shoes. Bunch of other people. Nice and sunny. As we waited (about 25 minutes) there was about 7 other planes taking off (two different companies) and several landed. Busy. Quite small planes. We were last left on the porch with some typical (couple with two children) family from Miami. Small plane (the picture above). We got in (six people plus pilot) and it was full plane. I ended up sitting next to the pilot – it looked pretty easy to fly that thing (it looked that way but I am pretty sure it is not). I was somewhat uncomfortable (for about ten minutes) as the plane was shaking and so on. We reached about 6500 feet elevation. The top speed (made in Canadian Beemer plane – no idea how it is spelled) was about 105 miles per hour. We saw Denali Mountain from distance (some clouds around). Incredible view of the landscape (rivers, mountains, road, train track). It was awesome. We got into the mountains, had a look at Denali (for picture taking) and flu between the mountains (above the glacier). We got to about 5700 feet elevation and the plane actually landed (on skies) on the glacier (cover with a lot of snow). There was a “landing strip” marked. On one of the close by mountains was a small cabin – apparently possible to rent and stay there. Denali not visible – too cloudy. Standing on snow, mountains around, small plane – at least for me it was the least exciting part of the flight. Flying back – same amazing views, another look at Denali, boats on one of the rivers, train going to Talkeetna. Approaching airport and landing. That was well worth it and amazing.