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Friday, June 20, 2014

Anchorage - Week 13

June 16th – June 22nd 2014

Monday, work day, prepare for family arrival.

Tuesday, work day – LAST DAY OF WORK, pick up family, the city, Ulu factory, Ship Creek (salmon fishing), dinner.

Wednesday, switch day, we left for Eagle River nature center. Road construction. WE SAW A BEAR running across the road (my third bear). Young moose standing by the parking lot. 3 mile loop – nice view, good weather, pretty pleasant. BBQ lunch. Home. Slow and quiet and lazy couple hours. Some monkey business in the evening.

Thursday, family day. Portage Glacier Lake – visitor center, hike (1.6 mile) to one of the glaciers – nice. Good weather. Girdwood – lunch (good one). Slow drive back home. Detour to Flattop Mountain trail head: great views of Anchorage. Back home. Get rental car and the rest of the family, quiet evening.

Saturday + Sunday: Homer (whole family). Described above (or coming) – depending when you read this.