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Friday, March 8, 2013

San Francisco +

Tuesday March 4th 2013

It was another nice day in the Bay Area for us to enjoy. Slower morning, somewhat average weather (not sunny and not cloudy either). We purchased the City Pass via telephone from Alcatraz Cruises company (the only way to get Alcatraz instead of just Bay cruise), the only problem was that we had to pick it up personally from their office in San Francisco. And yes, that meant driving to the heart of the city. So we did. We left the house around 9.30 and took the longer 280 as the shorter 101 was still packed and slower. And anyway, 280 is kind of nicer and more relaxing. The drive was fine, maybe a bit too long. There was some traffic when we entered the streets, but otherwise it was pretty nice. We drove along Embarcadero till we got to the Pier 33. J. got off and I was going to find some parking. Surprisingly, there was on street parking almost next to the pier. Easy. (And it would be only 1.75 for hour.) J. was back in couple minutes and we drove to Golden Gate Park through the city. And again, it was surprisingly easy, there was not much traffic and we did not get lost.

The park. There is free parking (not easy to find a spot though). We had to drive around twice to find a space to park. It was somewhat cold and cloudy. Short walk to the California Academy of Science and enter with our City Passes (instead of almost 30 dollars). I guess there could have been more people than we encountered, but it was still noisy and there were too many children. Withing the building there was big glass structure with rainforest habitat. It had walkway around the walls going up (to see different levels of forest). It was moist and pretty warm. There was water on the bottom with fish, many trees with butterflies and birds. They even had large colorful parrots sitting there (and tearing apart paper or cloth). It was funny how one of them was holding a piece of paper in the claw and biting it. In the cages or aquariums there were snakes, lizards, frogs and fish. Some of the lizards were really goofy and were just standing on the wall or the ceiling. It was pretty incredible to see so many different creatures. From the top, we took elevator to the basement where was the aquarium part with smaller tunnel and actually pretty big area full of tanks with many different sea creatures. And again, it was smaller than Monterey, but it was still incredible.

We left the basement part with all the sea creatures and got on the main floor. Many smaller exhibits, one about the earthquakes (the simulator had so long line that we even did not try to get in it). African exhibit (there were penguins) but otherwise it was mostly the models of animals and it looked more creepy than interesting. Human evolution was another exhibit on the main floor, it was interesting but I guess it was too many information at the same time. We saw white alligator. We walked up to the green roof (interesting, but … ). There was kind of study area with games, small cases of different things (like skulls, small animals, bones etc.), actually I guess pretty nice place for kids to hang out. I probably forgot something, but …. in a nutshell it was great place to visit and we enjoyed it.

We walked to the car, J. eat something and than we continued to the Conservatory of Flowers (still in Golden Gate Park). It was still pretty cold and cloudy. As we wanted to pay the entrance fee, we found a sign saying it was “Free day”, apparently many places in the Bay area have “free days” once a month or so. We walked through the “jungle” of plants and blooming flowers. It was really beautiful. It was pretty small and tide, but fortunately there were not too many people. J. was taking hundreds of pictures (almost all the blooms) and just walking like a turtle. There was some old tree/plant (about hundred year) that survived when the storm damaged the building in 1990's. Impressive.
We entered the conservatory in the middle, all the plants and flowers were on the right side and in the middle. The left side continued with potted plants and orchids (again so many pretty blooms). There was as well small (and as usual overpriced gift shop). The last room was kind of noisy. For a while I was annoyed by two goofy looking mothers with small children. They were on the phones and talking together while children were poking at the display and flowers. Oh well … what to say. But more noise was coming from the speakers as a music, because the room contained model train track built into really nice display of plants. It was really nice looking toy. We even noticed that few of the buildings had roof made from old computer parts. Cool. And … the end.
While we were driving to the city, J. sent a text to her friend about possibly meeting her. When we left the conservatory, we learned that she has to stay at work at least till seven o'clock. I was not really for that, as I was planning to get up at four in the morning to try to register for classes. We did some thinking and decided to drive a bit around the city and than trying to be on the freeway before the rush hour. We took wrong turn few times, but otherwise it was pretty fine. As I was driving I did not see very much of the city, but J. did (some). We drove through “hippies” Castro neighborhood. We drove around Alamo Park, but there was nowhere to park, so we just continue. I mean, it was pretty, the houses were looking great, but trying to look and drive and the same time was less than great.
It was probably around four o'clock and some parts of the city were getting packed with the traffic. J. was looking for less busy streets to get on 101. I guess it partly worked even as we got somewhat lost trying to cross Market street at some goofy intersection. The on ramp was just long line of cars slowly getting onto the freeway. I guess that is part of the city too (really bad traffic). At the end it was not too bad, when we got on the road it was just fine and we just cruised home. Another nice day ...