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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Week 17

March 18th – March 24th 2013

Sacramento - Sunday, March 24th 2013

We came home from our southern California trip. It is all described below. It was interesting trip, there were some things that were unimpressive, but we were still glad we saw it all. J. had to work for three days and than on Sunday we planned the trip to Sacramento and Lake Tahoe. J. has the family in Sacramento. Slower morning, but we still made it out at about 8.45. It was partly cloudy. About two hours of driving. There was nothing really special about it. We left the city, some rolling hills and than the towns again. We crossed the bay, paid the toll and were heading on I-80. It was flat and very boring. We were both kind of tired of driving. At least nice Sunday traffic. We got lost turning to Old Sacramento, but the downtown was relatively small so we turned around and parked in Old historic Sacramento. There was visitor's center (very unhelpful), we walked around those few blocks of old town, saw a river with a couple of boats. Some shops and restaurants. Pretty nicely restored old town. We got sun on the sky, it was really nice. There was old historic school house that was open as a museum, we walked in (one bigger room) and there were two people (probably volunteer). We answered the question where we were from (… it depends, we live in Sunnyvale, but are from Michigan and I am originally from Czech). He asked me in czech how am I (only sentence he knew). Apparently his grandparents were from Czech. The other person, older lady as well had some czech ancestors. It is strange how many people connected to Czech we met in California.

We crossed the freeway and drove to the downtown area. J. was not super excited but I figured out we would see a capitol building. First we drove around a bit. It was relatively nice town. We found a governor's mansion (now a historic park). Across the street, there was an economy lodge motel. There was some rally against brain injury. We parked and went to see California capitol. Obviously, we had to go through a metal detector (that entry way was pretty trashy). There was an historic original capitol building with several additions. We walked through, some rooms were furnished and showed as a museum. It was some what dark there. The railings, doors and walls were really decorative and well done. Actually, the difference between new and old buildings were huge. You walked from something nice and great looking to new maybe 70's building (kind of ugly). We saw assembly rooms (nice). The former governors paintings. Pretty much the same (including Reagan), there was one standing out, it was current governor from the time he was governor in 70's. They are still waiting for Arnold's painting, they are apparently unable to schedule it. Arnold as well apparently bought big statue of bear. That statue is now in front of the governor's office (we saw it). Interesting visit.

Nice park was surrounding the capitol building. We went to see a bit of Sacramento's downtown, if nothing else, it was fine and safe (nothing special though). It was relatively small and “cozy” for a state capitol. There was not much more we wanted to do and we did not want to be too early coming to visit a family. We drove to see a city's historic cemetery. We passed Odd Fellows and Masonic parts. We were than able to drive into the cemetery and park. We walked around a bit, it was pretty, quiet and so peaceful. One part of the cemetery had a rose garden (roses were part of the plots). It was really nice place, it got pretty warm. It was as well getting close to three o'clock, so we were heading to see J.'s family. It was about half an hour drive. We got back on I-80 and drove north. We did hit some traffic congestion and were stuck there for about 8 minutes (did not see a reason). We found the place and had an early dinner. J.'s aunt and uncle are in their 80's and she did not see them for a longer while. It was a bit strange beginning, but it turned out to be really great visit. We spent a night there.