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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 15

March 4th – March 10th 2013

The beginning of the week is described below. We were exploring San Francisco. And it was very good. Thursday, we did nothing. We stayed home, J. went to the gym. Talked with tax people. Homework, monkey business, travel plans, school and other documents. Friday and Suturday, J. was working and I did not do much. On Sunday (another great sunny day) we did not plan anything. J. was goofing on internet and did not want to really do anything. I looked online for some stuff close by (and easy) and made a plan. And we drove to JapanTown in San Jose. It was pretty quick and easy to get to, parking was piece of cake too. The farmer's market was very small and boring. We walked along Jackson street in this smaller JapanTown. It was actually pretty interesting and alive. Many people walking up and down, we saw some busy churches and one mosque. We went into couple of the stores and read the information boards along the sidewalk. It was about Japanese coming to US in 1880's as a labor for farms. They were excluded from becoming citizens (apparently together with many other Asian nations) by Supreme Court in 1920's. To continue with really bitter life, in 1940's they were placed in the camps as the second war was taking place in Asia (Japan) as well. They made it, came back and rebuilt their lives in Bay Area. Really interesting story. After that we left and were heading to visit Villa Montalvo County Park. It was really a gorgeous day. We exited the freeway in Los Gatos and decided to visit the town as well. It was actually pretty swanky and long main street (Apple store, Restoration Hardware etc.). And really busy, no empty parking spots. We drove for a while and found a market in the square. We tried to find a parking, not much luck there. We were about to give up when we found a spot almost next to the main street. Walked to the market (bigger and busier) and back along the main street. It was really nice.

We were heading toward Saratoga and Villa Montalvo. There was nice sign along the road, so we did not have a problem to find it. We were driving between some big ass houses (more like mansions). We were not quite sure it was the place we were looking for. Eventually we started to follow signs, found some parking lots closed (for some concert) and parked at the lot number 4 (just 5 cars there). We got a map and figured out a loop to take a walk along. First we walked in the Arboretum in front of the villa. They did some work and park was fenced off (looked ugly). Otherwise the fenced garden (to keep the deer out) was really beautiful, fruit trees and nice “love temple” with some really ugly planter (go to Shutterfly picture gallery to see it). It was really something. We walked some around the villa (not really open to public). It had to be hard to live here. We peaked inside couple of times and it looked pretty incredible. The villa and some other buildings are used for concerts and arts exhibitions, the grounds are a county park open to public. There was a “poet's walk” which took us on the trail system kind of surrounding the grounds of the villa.

We were pretty much in the forest. We walked slowly and really enjoyed ourselves. Shortly we had to drop down on some nice switchbacks to the creek. We started to see more and more people (still not too bad for such a nice Sunday). And actually it was surprising there was not more people. We crossed the bridge, looked at something that was probably a outdoor grill or a smoker and continued uphill. Again and again I could not believe how incredibly pretty it was. There was a small detour to the Lookout Point. J. did not want to walk there but I insisted. It was relatively steep walk with “funny” signs along the way (Leave your worries here). And there it was, small clearing on small hill. There was a mother with two smaller children (they were eating). It was incredible picture, the views (the day was clear) were exquisite and somewhat breath taking. Funny thing, one of the children asked “what you are looking for guys”. Really nice. Walk down (number of people was increasing) and by the concert hall (former carriage house) we passed some nicely dressed people waiting for the concert. It does not get much better than this.

Well, it was really nice surprise so far (who knew it would be such a great day with such a great places). We got back on the main road and drove through the main street of the village of Saratoga. It was nice but we already walked the main street in Los Gatos and this was not much different. We turned around and drove home. We tried to stop by Safeway but J.'s phone took us somewhere into the mall and there was not store. We stopped by Trader's Joe and then took Lawrance Expressway home. End. The time changed. The spring is completely here (trees are blooming like crazy). And I think I forgot to mention this, the apartment in Sunnyvale is the first place (so far) that we do not have to drive over the speed bumps (really exciting actually). Just by the way.